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Poți să-mi dai câteva sfaturi cu privire la dimensiunea păpușii sexuale



Hello everyone, I soon want to buy my first sex doll. In order to facilitate storage and handling, I decided to look for a sex doll that is 100 cm - 125 cm high and weighs less than 17 kg. The main purpose is to be a bed, don't expect to take pictures and buy a lot of clothes. My budget seems to have some good options, but I am not sure which size to choose. So, for those who have been there and who have done it, how they feel if they have it. The real difference lies in the true difference between 100 cm, 110 cm and 125 cm.

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Cred că depinde cu adevărat de cât de plin este papusa sex you choose. The difference between the different heights you see is not large, but over time, more than 20kg may start to feel like a huge weight. I wish you a smooth decision-making process. I have a 100 cm and a 140 cm, and there is a world difference between the two. For me, no matter how hard I try to make a 100 cm doll look older, I can't wrap my brain in this idea. Of course she is very light but only about 50 pounds at 140 cm. Yes, 140cm looks pretty, but height is the biggest difference. If your sex doll has a standing choice, then she can stand in the closet. You can do what I do and ask if they can wear an eye bolt behind her so you can hang her on the wall.

2019-06-17 05:12:57

Imagine what customers and managers think! I have been so shrouded by the story of real sex doll that I forgot to show her beauty! This will be solved more. ) Can be used as promiscuous or provocative language in American English. Brands are high-end products ($) and high-end products. I think they just want people to know that it's not just bras and panties.

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