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Bucurați-vă de poza dvs. preferată de păpușă sexuală

You can enjoy your life rhythm and sex life, enjoy any posture you like, you can put your fingers in her mouth, or you can grab her breasts to complete sexual intercourse, just like what you did to women before. She will never say no to you, no matter how difficult it is, she is willing to do what you want, and she will never refuse.

Real dolls are willing to do what you want

Even if you don't want to bring a set of clothes, and you are not worried about pregnancy, you can rest assured that she will not have a păpușă de sex din silicon real girl's uterus, she will not be pregnant, and will not get sick. Just buy her a wig, beautiful or sexy clothes, these are enough, can be cleaned regularly and so on.

In many cases, users of TPE sex dolls will scream how good this type of doll is. Indeed, if it’s great to own a doll, then keeping it clean and regular maintenance is not so trivial, but it should be an honor. There are no benefits to owning a TPE sex doll. If you want to change your sex life, explore your limits and enjoy unlimited romance anytime, anywhere, then sex dolls will be a good choice

Sex doll storage recommendations

Lying flat: about the cushions of flat dolls. You can buy "slow rebound sponge". It is also called "memory sponge" and can be purchased in general large supermarkets or bedding stores. If it is really inconvenient to buy memory foam, there is a more economical way to put pillows on the waist and under the thighs of sex dolls. Then, the buttocks can be "emptied" by the pillow so that the buttocks do not become flat due to the weight of the body.

Do not store – standing or sitting sex dolls

In fact, most sex dolls are "unable to stand". Even some famous Japanese brands are the same. The original factory will emphasize "only standing for a short time". The standing function developed by the Japanese factory is specially designed for customers to take pictures. It is not designed to solve storage problems. Please pay attention to this! Because TPE material is very soft.

When a sex doll is standing, all the weight of the body will be pressed on the feet, so it is easy to cause the sole to crack. Even the metal skeleton pierces the sole. Therefore, if you buy a sex doll made by TPE, then we suggest not to try to make the sex doll "stand up". Otherwise, breaking the feet of a sex doll will not be worth it.

Sitting position:
Let the sex doll sit on the sofa for a long time. "This is the direct thought of many friends who don't know about silicone dolls or TPE păpușă sexuală drăguță. Do you think there is no problem with sex dolls sitting on a soft sofa? Tell you this is the wrong way to store them!

If sex dolls remain seated for a long time, they can cause hips to break. Due to long-term self-weight and squeezing of thigh meat. You want to keep the sex doll in a sitting position, please make sure to use it for only 1 to 2 days; after every 1-2 days, make sure to put the tablet back or hang it up; make sure that the sex doll's body is not under any pressure.

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