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Seria de știință-ficțiune „Lumea de Vest” păpușă sexuală în stil

Pe măsură ce popularitatea lor continuă să crească, Papusi WM are gaining a fan base that calls themselves "baby friends". These fans think they are not lifeless dolls. Filmmaker Melody Gilbert’s documentary "Silicone Soul" investigates this group in detail and explains how they believe that sex dolls have a soul.

After removing the makeup, dry her face with a tissue or cloth to absorb the remaining moisture. Maintenance is very important for many reasons, especially when it comes to your health. In addition, maintenance is one of the easiest ways to ensure a longer life for the doll. This includes regular cleaning—especially the more complex body parts (vagina, anus, inner thighs), frequent use of mineral oil for hydration, and the use of (water-based) lubricants.

The most important thing is to avoid the use of harmful chemicals, including acidic solvents, alcohol, silicone oil, etc. More importantly, the emergence of smart dolls has brought hope to many people with physical disabilities. There are many very low-key volunteer organizations in the market that provide rehabilitation services for patients with physical disabilities, and provide free psychological assistance to people with severe disabilities such as muscle atrophy, cerebral palsy, and paralysis. Psychological factors are for the disabled.

Aiohotgirl Lslinks Anime Sex Doll

It can be said to be the driving force for survival. Santos and his wife produced sex dolls together in Barcelona. On average, one can sell for 3,000 Euros. Santos mentioned that what they are currently designing is to combine the personality of the robot with the personality of the human, so that computer software can generate a new "artificial intelligence brain", and then use 3D technology to create a "pretty" body, "IA The new genome will be added to the robot’s brain, and it will have the values of morality, aesthetics, and sense of justice that humans have."

As the leader of sci-fi movies, Europe and the United States are second to none in terms of sci-fi style design in various fields. European and American păpuși sexuale ieftine manufacturers are designing a batch of sex dolls inspired by science fiction movies, which are expected to be on the market within 3 years. Among them, works include puppets in the style of the science fiction series "Western World". The new generation of dolls will be equipped with high-tech sensors to respond to touch, such as internal heating, etc., and will produce ultra-realistic sex dolls equipped with a talking function and even chat.

Although it can meet the tastes of different customers, of course it also depends on the imagination and wallet of the customers. They have been to different cities, but they have not seen the same scenery. They accompany each other on business trips, exhibitions, walking their dogs, and even swimming and hot springs. Bai Xue is like a "baby-baby madman", sharing her and it bit by bit. Each of them has more than 200,000 fans on social media, and they often share their interesting lives with dolls on the Internet.

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