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Despre caracteristicile păpușii sexuale japoneze

The artificial intelligence application allows a harmonious supervisor to talk to and interact with his or her owner. After a week of playing the D-cup doll, the sex doll tester told us: "When I got home from work, I only sat down and talked to her for half an hour."

She said: "Comfort is absolutely overwhelming. I think it is very good and brings different changes." He said that some "only for comfort" customers do not want their Păpușă de sex japoneză to have a vagina. She said: "This is normal. They want them to keep the bed warm or at home.

Stanley is the mother of four beauty, she runs the Sex Doll Company, which offers special bereavement services - comfortable dolls that appear in the image of deceased relatives. The sex toy industry is a thriving industry that is favored by Randy consumers seeking alternative ways to improve their sex life.

“I am providing comfort”: The sex doll manufacturer recreated a life-size doll of a deceased relative. According to URDOLLS, he is one of the UK's leading sex doll retailers, dedicated to creating incredible Japanese sex doll details to meet the needs of their customers.

Finally, please note that the total cost of purchasing a doll online is also dependent on shipping costs. Overseas orders are more expensive. According to some online stores, local shipping charges may be free.

You may ask why the sex doll "brothel" may actually be a good thing. Photo and 3D scanning ensure that the smallest object on the model body is completely replicated. The growth of sex doll brothels is growing.

About the characteristics of the Japanese sex doll - we visited the sex doll company in Toronto on Thursday, September 6, 2018 to learn about its business. Since the price of the original doll was as high as $6,000, people began to try new feelings for the open dolls of the men who want sex dolls.

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