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Bărbat caucazian tocilar ținând o păpușă sexuală blondă fierbinte

Aligning the lower body and lifting the tights, at this time, another problem arises. There is a bell-mouth-like protrusion on the back door. This looks like it is going to be stuffed into my chrysanthemum, but I have just used up all the lubricating fluid. I had to bite the bullet and shove the bell mouth into the sex doll's asshole. The job wasn't difficult, thanks to the lubricating fluid that was applied when that little tip was inserted into the chrysanthemum hole. A little discomfort, but not a big problem.

The corset continued upward, engulfing my belly and chest, where the inner wall of the corset was full of pretty bumps, but my breasts were prosthetic breasts, and there was no feeling at all. Finally, to the headgear part. The headgear seems to have a face shape, it looks like a beautiful face, with openings for nose and eyes, but strangely, the position of the mouth is not a mouth shape, but an O-shaped round hole, and the "hole wall" of this hole is quite The thickness is made of a somewhat hard material, like a cylinder. It's weird, why did it do this?

Dacă faci sex cu o fată și nu folosești prezervativ, te vei întreba dacă ai rămas însărcinată. Chiar dacă folosești un prezervativ, este eficient în proporție de doar 85% și nimeni nu vrea să poarte povara unei sarcini nedorite. Cu păpuși sexuale ieftine, poți preveni sarcinile nedorite. Iată câteva sfaturi despre utilizarea păpușilor sexuale pentru a preveni sarcina.

Nerdy white male with hot blonde sex doll, why do sex dolls prevent pregnancy in the first place? When you have sex with a girl without preparation, you may end up having sex with that girl without wearing a condom. Even if you wear a condom, this will increase her chances of getting pregnant.

joc sexual cu păpuși lust

Sex dolls are also a good option for the adventurous. Not all people like to experiment in bed, and finding someone as keen as you are to try out new kinky positions is harder than one might think. With Păpușă sexuală din silicon, you can experiment as much as you want and do all the things you find exciting and pleasurable.

Beneficiile de a deține o păpușă sexuală

There are many proven health benefits associated with sexual activity, including reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and improved immune system function. Păpuși de dragoste provide an outlet for your desires without worrying about unwanted social or psychological consequences. They can even help you lose weight.

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