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Jucării sexuale TPE și jucării sexuale din silicon

We are talking about a high-quality quantitative sex toy, but it is not a stupid charge. Two types of main types available for selection. This is a thermal plastic elastic body (TPE) made of silicon. The city is of superior quality, and has unique Păpuși de sex robot quality. Any kind of material can be used depending on the basis of calculation and preference. Below are some advantages of each method.

TPE sex toy

TPE is actually a mixture of plastic and rubber. Because of its softness, it is one of the most popular Funwest Dolls materials. Very easy to use. Advanced manufacturing technology such as injection molding, molding, etc.

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TPE tactile feeling is very soft, and it feels like real skin. Soya is a kind of extremely durable anti-cracking material. This means that it is a good sex toy because of its softness and flexibility, and it has reliable vibration-reducing properties that can last for a long time.

TPE is an extremely strict Păpuși Zelex. It is light, smooth and tasteless. No artificial milk flavor. Human thoughtful support, tactile softness. When using TPE, I have a feeling of guilt and forgetfulness.

There are several shortcomings with TPE sex toys. TPE is a kind of porous material, very easy to be touched. For this reason, it is impossible to completely disinfect TPE sex toys. Please write down, if you have a problem with sex toys and love, the best avoidance is red wine!

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silicon sex toy

Used for authentic Papusi WM. It can be hard, it can be soft, and silicon can be used in tough plants. This means wearing a very suitable body part. It has been around for a long time, and has been developed with advanced manufacturing technology.

Siliciu Păpuși de sex robot are very serious. You can still hold on. The silicone is impervious, can be disinfected, and is unfriendly. Very easy to clean and clean. The silicon is very durable, and the reason for disappointment is to surrender.

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The main drawback of silicon is the price, but there is quality and quantity. It is also harder than TPE, hardening. This means that there is some kind of flexibility and pressure difference. General visit, TPE Japanese silicon production produced very high-quality rigorous toy. Pre-existing hypersensitivity and warmth. You can enjoy more comfortable and more authentic feeling.

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