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Scrisoarea deschisă împotriva servitorilor umani scrie ca niște roboți sexuali peste tot

In the aforementioned media petitions and open letters, moral reservations and judgments became clear. These are first related to the design of păpușă sexuală drăguță and sex robots, saying that they continue the stereotype of women, materialize them, and even be degraded and humiliated by these artifacts. In addition, as the website shows, “normalization”—that is, the dissemination and acceptance of artificial love servants—is seen as a problem.

The open letter against human servants reads like sex robots everywhere. It is also recommended that the type supporting stereotypes dominate. In fact, there are almost no sex robots in the wider society, but when it comes to sex dolls, the reality is more complicated. The sex robot market can develop in a similarly diverse way.

The use of love dolls and păpuși sexuale ieftine in all these areas was outlined, special functions were discussed, and preliminary moral, legal, and pragmatic considerations were made. Obviously, artificial favorite servants can create added value, but their use must be carefully considered and prepared. In some cases, their use may even backfire.

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Sex robots are robots used to make love. Tpe papusa sexuala or lover dolls with synthetic language or simple motor skills (such as the ability to turn the head) can be considered to fall into this category. Despite being ambitious in terms of materials and implementation, other love dolls are not robots. For example, they usually have highquality skin, made of silicone or thermoplastic elements, and stretched on a gel inlay.

In fact, the patients, the disabled, the sick and the elderly who need to be cared for and their treatment methods are always a reflection of social technology and ethical considerations. The assumptions and conclusions are completely understandable: the combination of sexual health and sex dolls is a human right. If the disabled, the sick, and the elderly have sexual needs, these needs should be met and they should be given this human right.

Sex robots and love dolls are mostly humanshaped designs, strongly inclined to cliché sex images, but there are also other forms, such as fantasy images. If you define păpușă sexuală drăguță as sensory motor machines used to interact with and approach humans, then they are excellent social robots. Pure love dolls are not social robots, just because they are not robots.


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