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Cum să cureți o păpușă sexuală?

Proper cleaning and maintenance of Papusa SE is essential to ensure hygiene, durability and a consistently enjoyable experience. Here are some guidelines for cleaning and caring for sex dolls:

Precautions before cleaning:

Make sure the doll is in a stable position to prevent any accidental damage.
If applicable, remove any detachable parts such as the head or extremities for easier cleaning.

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To clean the doll's exterior:

First wipe the doll's body with a soft damp cloth or sponge to remove any surface dirt or residue.
For a more thorough clean, use a mild, non-abrasive soap or a specialized sex doll cleaner. Apply a pretty amount of cleaner to a cloth or sponge and gently clean the doll's body.
Pay special attention to areas that come into direct contact with bodily fluids, such as the genitals, mouth, and anus. Clean these areas thoroughly using gentle circular motions.
Clătiți Păpușă Zelex body with clean water to remove any soap or detergent residue.
Dry the outside of the doll with a clean towel, making sure to remove all moisture to prevent mold or mildew growth.

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To clean the doll's holes:

Pentru Păpușă WM with a penetrable orifice, such as a vagina or anus, it is important to clean them after each use for hygiene.
Wet the orifice first with a water-based lubricant, which will help the cleaning process.
Rinse the orifice with warm water to remove any bodily fluids or lubricant residue.
Clean the orifice with a specialized sex toy cleaner or a mild antibacterial soap diluted in warm water. Gently insert a clean finger or a soft cloth into the opening and clean the area.
Rinse the orifice thoroughly with water to remove any soap or detergent residue.
Pat the orifice dry with a clean towel or soft, lint-free cloth.

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Maintenance tips:

After cleaning, lightly dust the Păpușă FANREAL body with talcum powder or cornstarch to keep the skin smooth and prevent it from becoming sticky.
Store doll in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight to avoid damage or discoloration.
Avoid exposing the doll to extreme temperatures as it can warp or damage the material.
Check the doll regularly for any signs of wear, such as tears, cracks or damaged joints. If any problems are detected, contact the manufacturer for instructions on repair or replacement.
Remember to check the manufacturer's guidelines and instructions for your sex doll, as different dolls may have unique care requirements.

In conclusion, proper cleaning and maintenance of sex dolls is essential to ensure hygiene and prolong their life. By following these guidelines, users can maintain a clean and enjoyable experience with their sex dolls.

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