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Deci este o păpușă sexuală de mărimea unui partener

You can use your sex doll as a scarecrow to scare predators and rodents away from your crops. I'm willing to bet the farm that your sex doll will be the sexiest scarecrow ever. In fact, it may attract unwanted attention from real "crawlers". Reshape the scarecrow with one of our sexy dolls. Dress her up as your favorite anime character or erotic comic book superhero to role-play with your păpuși sexuale ieftine. The sky is the limit in terms of how you can dress her up. This can be a fun hobby as you can change the look of your love doll with different wigs, outfits and makeup.

You can use sex dolls to advertise your products for sale. Sex sales and placing one of our realistic sex dolls next to your product is guaranteed to generate more interest and curiosity. Sex dolls attract attention and become more attractive when paired with other products. If you don't believe us, give it a try.

So this is a partner-sized sex doll. Sex dolls can have detachable or vibrating parts and often allow for different sexual activities. The most expensive ones are made of silicone or TPE. Their bodies and faces are modeled on real people, with realistic hair and skin materials. Many manufacturers offer full customization of their products, so people can make Papusi WM exactly how they want. From various functions to appearance, everything can be customized.

cei mai buni chiloți vibratori fără fir

Acestea Păpușă sexuală din silicon in various shapes and colors are waiting for different people to buy. Some of them are single and divorced, but sometimes couples use them to try out threesomes without anyone else involved. Different reasons and different clients.

If you're tired of the typical missionary pose, try the scissor missionary style. This position puts a spin on what is normally done. Place one leg of the sex doll on your shoulder while the other leg is facing the ground or bed. This ensures a pleasurable experience, as the sex doll allows you to dive deeper and give you a more intense orgasm.

Spooning is one of the best positions if you want to insert your doll in an intimate position. You can do this position in several ways. Lay your Păpuși sexuale lesbiene on its side on the bed or floor. Bend the doll's arms forward, you can bend her legs at a 45-degree angle to balance her, or you can lift her thighs. This allows you to penetrate your sex doll from behind while both are lying down. Some dolls can be really heavy, so this is a great option if you don't want to bother moving them.


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