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Nu sunt nerăbdător să rezolv toate problemele păpușilor sexuale japoneze?

Tab Conan
Nov 22, 2019 09: 23

The joint looks like a good idea, this is the case to find the right joint, because most joints are really too big. Maybe more searches are needed...but springs may only be viable and it should be possible to find "off the shelf" springs for the wire sizes we use. Some types of cameras may also be strong enough to grip effectively when the Japanese sex doll is posing. As mentioned earlier, the problem with the wire is not necessarily the wire itself. Indeed, the original three scattered lines are acceptable - good, so the realism of correct posture is not good, but it can be done without finger joints. The problem we need to overcome is the Japonez papusa sex finger-palm interface, as this is due to the main fault area caused by bending at the same position. Therefore, the focus may be on eliminating this weak point by introducing a hinge or spring here. There is more playable space than the inside of the finger, so work will be easier. Ok, the little fingers are the same as the thumb, but even fixing the three larger fingers will be a huge improvement. There are many places to ponder. Since there are other things on my work list, I won't be eager to solve all Japanese sex doll issues, so I will pay close attention to the solution.

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