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Despre papusa mea

  • Femeile sunt mai puțin dispuse să accepte roboți sexuali decât bărbații

    Imaginați-vă că, dacă robotul de eliminare a bombelor are o relație bună cu soldatul, nu este complet imposibil ca acesta din urmă să-și sacrifice propria viață pentru a-l salva pe însoțitorul robot. În plus, armele „roboți ucigași” dezvoltate de țările UE vor amenința și siguranța omenirii și a lumii. Trebuie spus că acest subiect are o semnificație morală, psihologică și socială și merită un studiu serios.


  • Este obișnuit să găsești multe relații cu dezvoltarea păpușilor realiste

    Educația sexuală este un subiect foarte important și sensibil, care necesită o atenție deosebită. În urmă cu câțiva ani, educația sexuală era considerată tabu. frumuseților nu li se spune despre corpul lor, despre schimbările de la pubertate sau despre relațiile sexuale - niciunul dintre părinții sau profesorii lor. Deși situația nu s-a îmbunătățit complet nici astăzi, oamenii au început să vadă educația sexuală ca pe o modalitate pozitivă de a construi sănătatea fizică și mentală a frumuseții și sănătatea generală.


  • Industria păpușilor sexuale a făcut pași mari

    Înainte de a vă peri ușor pe dinți de la cap până la rădăcină, folosiți degetele pentru a trata încurcăturile, apoi folosiți o sticlă cu pulverizator de apă pentru a pulveriza niște apă caldă pe perucă pentru a o umezi. Nu trageți de el prea tare pentru a evita căderea excesivă. Desigur, o cantitate destul de mare de vărsare este inevitabilă. În timpul pandemiei trecute de COVID-19, cererea din partea producătorilor de păpuși sexuale a crescut din cauza clienților singuri care caută companii. În acest proces, au primit multe solicitări ciudate și au început să-și încerce modelele.


  • Oamenii care cumpără păpuși de dragoste caută mai mult decât lucruri intime

    Este în regulă să cheltuiți niște bani pentru a cumpăra o păpușă de dragoste de înaltă calitate, deoarece veți obține o păpușă sexuală de înaltă calitate din TPE sau silicon, cu un schelet căptușit care poate rezista la impact fără deformare și vă poate însoți mulți ani. . Când sunteți sigur de starea sa perfectă, curățați-l bine înainte de a juca. Oamenii care cumpără păpuși de dragoste caută mai mult decât lucruri intime. Odată ce ești gata să te distrezi, ar trebui să-ți continui planul.


  • Oamenii sunt întotdeauna părtinitori față de iubitorii de păpuși sexuale

    Păpușile sexuale de înaltă calitate au probleme cu mirosul doar dacă nu sunt păstrate curate și ordonate. Prin urmare, aceasta este o instrucțiune foarte clară care poate identifica păpușile false inferioare. Ceea ce trebuie să fie clar este că păpușile sexuale realiste rezolvă nevoile fiziologice normale ale acestui grup. Nu are nimic de-a face cu morala socială și nu are nicio legătură cu „anormal” și „anormal”. Dimpotrivă, rezolvă anumite probleme sociale și elimină unele dintre ele. Posibil prejudiciu social.


  • Păpușa sexuală este a doua iubită a unui bărbat

    Pentru cei care cred că întâlnirile online necesită mult timp și nu sunt potrivite pentru ei, păpușa realistă pare a fi o alegere bună. Xiao En (pseudonim), un fermier în vârstă de 55 de ani, soția sa a murit de cancer în urmă cu un an. Acum frumuseții au crescut și trăiesc în oraș, dar el locuiește singur într-o casă de la țară, moartea soției îi face greu să accepte. Datorită industriei de fabricare a păpușilor, păpușile sexuale vizează de obicei piețe de nișă.


  • Păpușile sexuale realiste oferă experiența supremă pentru prietenii bebeluși

    Prejudecăți, schimbări în dualitatea de gen și schimbări în corpul feminin în viitor. „În plus, atunci când o ai, poți obține feedback pozitiv. Ea va vorbi cu tine și va răspunde la întrebările pe care vrei să le știi; dacă o atingi, ea va oferi feedback vocal; se poate încălzi și la temperatura corpului. natura oferă experiența supremă pentru prietenii bebeluși, la fel ca și când dai naștere unei drăguțe, și atunci când oamenii adevărați sunt împreună.


  • Păpușa de dragoste îi spune fetei tale cât de dificilă este

    Japonia este bucuroasă să ia bagheta acestei istorii. Dar, de fapt, mai devreme, Armata Imperială Japoneză a inventat și o tehnologie similară pentru păpuși sexuale pentru a oferi sex tuturor soldaților din război. Aici trebuie să fiți conștienți de faptul că, dacă daunele sunt structurale, poate fi necesar să înlocuiți sau să aruncați păpușa. Utilizarea unei păpuși cu structura deteriorată poate fi periculoasă pentru dvs.


  • El își împarte adesea viața de zi cu zi cu păpușile sexuale online

    Vă puteți bucura, de asemenea, de o threesome inocentă folosind aceste păpuși. Eva este descrisă ca o singură, melancolică, înstrăinată de lume și aproape întotdeauna tristă. Ca o păpușă de dragoste, emană foarte puternic acele sentimente. Este o reflectare a anumitor grupuri. O persoană a experimentat probleme interpersonale complicate, care l-au înstrăinat de lume și au căzut în singurătate fără cuvinte.


  • Folosirea păpușilor sexuale este similară cu utilizarea jucăriilor sexuale

    În ziua nunții lor, au lansat și un videoclip frumos de nuntă. Toată lumea s-a uitat și s-a răspândit. Astăzi, a depășit un milion de puncte. da un degetul mare. Acest lucru a provocat și multe discuții. Există rapoarte că un nou val de păpuși sexuale cu inteligență artificială le va face dificilă pentru oameni să facă distincția între oameni vii, care respiră și roboți.


  • Din ce în ce mai mulți bărbați sau femei cumpără păpuși sexuale

    Cel mai bun meșter are asta. Deși majoritatea păpușilor sunt exportate în străinătate, bărbații chinezi sunt mai dispuși să se bucure de această bucată de tort familiară, mai ales acum că majoritatea statelor pun în aplicare măsuri de distanțare socială. Următoarele sunt câteva dintre motivele pentru care aceste păpuși iubitoare au câștigat un număr uimitor în Țara Dragonului Roșu.


  • Cum te simți să faci sex cu o păpușă sexuală?

    Păpușile pentru adulți din silicon și păpușile pentru adulți TPE produse de companie sunt posibilități infinite. Acestea sunt susținute de un schelet din PVC cu îmbinări funcționale din oțel. Nu este la fel de cald și de umed ca o păsărică sau o gură, dar o tragi ca o persoană, așa că dă un sentiment de realitate pe care nu îl vei zvâcni. Voi face tot posibilul să-mi trag drăguțul în tot apartamentul.


  • Cât de bune sunt păpușile sexuale?

    Dar a avea o păpușă este mai bine decât nici o femeie în viața mea. Cu păpușa mea sexuală, pot fi eu însumi. Nu trebuie să mă prefac că îi induc să dorească să fie cu mine (oricum nu mă pricep niciodată). Sunt mereu alături de mine, nu mă vor judeca, nu mă vor obliga să schimb ceea ce se așteaptă să fiu.


  • Păpușă sexuală și a pornit încălzitorul vagin al păpușii

    Un eveniment important s-a întâmplat în ultimii ani. Femeile de toate tipurile de corp și toate tipurile de corp sunt conștiente de faptul că corpurile lor sunt sexy, iar bărbații preferă corpurile curbate mai mult ca niciodată. Dar aceasta nu este o veste pentru tine, nu? Ți-au plăcut întotdeauna sânii plini, fesele curbate și fesele pline, nu?


  • Există diferite tipuri de păpuși sexuale pe piață

    Pe piață există diferite tipuri de păpuși sexuale, care sunt explicate în detaliu mai jos. Prin aceste detalii, vei putea înțelege de ce aceste păpuși sexuale sunt atât de populare în rândul generației mai frumoase de astăzi. Deși există sute de tipuri diferite de păpuși sexuale pe piață, există 3 tipuri diferite de păpuși care sunt cele mai vândute.


  • Păpuși cu funcții apropiate de om și receptive

    Odată cu avansarea tehnologiei, această îmbrățișare și cererea universală evidentă vor duce doar la prosperitatea industriei păpușilor sexuale. Pentru păpușile apropiate de oameni și receptive, utilizatorii obișnuiți pot accepta cu ușurință ideea centrală. Utilizatorii apreciază că aceste păpuși sunt simbolul ascultării complete și a distragerii zero. Acest lucru va crește doar erupția bărbaților cu secreție puternică de testosteron.


  • De ce unele păpuși sexuale arată diferit în diferite fotografii?

    Ceea ce trebuie să știi este că atunci când vezi aceeași persoană din fotografie, s-ar putea să ai și un machiaj diferit. Acest lucru se datorează faptului că machiajul tuturor păpușilor noastre este realizat de artistul de machiaj. Acest proces nu este mecanic. Operațiunea. Este imposibil să obțineți o consistență completă. Pentru a face păpușa mai frumoasă, ocazional putem îmbunătăți sau ajusta machiajul păpușii. Drumoasa păpușă de 100 cm va fi mai drăguță. Ajustările includ, dar nu se limitează la, fardul de ochi, culoarea buzelor, sprâncenele, genele și părul. Deci, va face ca machiajul să fie diferit în imagini diferite. În timpul procesului de fotografiere, iluminarea, tehnicile de fotografiere și unghiurile de fotografiere vă pot cauza erori vizuale. Acesta este un fenomen normal.


  • În cele din urmă voi repara încheietura păpușii sexuale

    Păpușile în picioare își pot deteriora picioarele chiar și pentru o perioadă scurtă de timp. În cele din urmă, voi repara încheietura mâinii păpușii sexuale. Încerc doar să mă asigur că va rămâne în această stare mult timp atunci când este reparat, așa că un astfel de fir este neprețuit. S-a intamplat sa intalnesc si eu aceasta situatie. Am scos firul și l-am înlocuit cu o clemă mai groasă. Nu se mai grăbește, dar nu este fragilă. Este un pic ca o locație permanentă arcuită, dar rezistentă. A fost un obstacol destul de mare și ea a învățat să trăiască cu el. Vorbind o dată, tocmai am postat informații despre degetele fixe, dar apoi am găsit răspunsuri despre părțile corpului altor păpuși sexuale. Postarea mea este despre degete, dar și călcâiele sunt deranjante. Cea pe care nu am reușit să o rezolv, acum poartă șosete.


  • Pot folosi ulei pe păpușa de sex japoneză?

    Una peste alta, nu cred că aveți probleme, dar puteți fi sigur că puteți folosi uleiul. Când este complet saturat, puteți presăra multă făină de porumb pentru a restabili starea optimă. Începeți acum, așa că așteptați până mai târziu. Este, de asemenea, distractiv să fii interesat să îi citești pe ceilalți, dar vreau să spun că sunt îngrijorat că nu sunt partener și papusa sexuală japoneză va fi bine. De la naștere, o porțiune a pielii TPE poate apărea ca un film. Poate reacționa la transpirație și poate deveni fulgios. De obicei, nu vă faceți griji, deoarece uleiul și pulberea vor dispărea în timp. Imaginea este marcată cu partea pe care trebuie să o verificați. Urmele întunecate sunt mici crăpături sau umbre. Tot ce cred este umbra pleavei, dar verificați din nou păpușa sexuală japoneză pentru a vă asigura că nu există semne de despicare.


  • Cine ar trebui să folosească produse pentru păpuși sexuale japoneze pentru adulți?

    Deoarece bărbații și femeile au structuri corporale diferite, genul dintre bărbați și femei nu este întotdeauna armonios, bărbații sunt mai rapizi decât femeile și nu ajung întotdeauna la orgasm. Femeile pot folosi produse de păpuși sexuale japoneze pentru adulți pentru a compensa și ajuta. Pentru a atinge punctul culminant al nemulțumirii bărbaților, există o dorință puternică de a satisface nevoile tuturor. La fel ca bărbații și femeile, satisfacția obținută prin produsele și dispozitivele de masturbare îi poate satisface nevoile, dar este necesar să se ia inițiativa femeii. Prieteni și cumpărați aceste produse. El sau ea va fi câștigătorul.


  • După câteva cercetări pentru a obține o păpușă sexuală?

    De ce nu recomandăm acest site? M-am prezentat lui Olivier, de 30 de ani. Am dat peste acest site după ce am făcut câteva cercetări pentru a obține o păpușă sexuală și mă bucur că, chiar dacă este doar în „Zona 0”, am o mulțime de informații, care sunt atât de interesante În verificarea înregistrării, puteți merge la forum pentru a educa mai bine partea următoare, trebuie să cunoaștem punctele tari și punctele slabe ale acestor frumoase păpuși, înainte de a continua, nu dezamăgiți sau evitați să răniți această fetiță! Este important să știți ce va face această păpușă Ce să faceți: Aici veți vedea că nu sunt folosite doar pentru sex (uneori nici măcar pentru sex)!


  • Cum pot fixa păpușa sexuală TPE în capul ei?

    Ideea originală: asta nu este bine. Am dat-o pe dos și a ieșit doar o picătură drăguță. Cred că există mai multă îmbarcare undeva în păpușile sexuale. Petele de pe pielea ei erau ușor de șters, dar de la gât vedeam că țevile erau ruginite. Pot doar să presupun că întregul schelet intern este exact același. Deci întrebarea mea este... ce ar trebui să fac? Acum, brațele și picioarele ei încă se pot mișca și nu cred că coroziunea internă în acest moment este de fapt neputincioasă. Dar cred că tot vreau să vă întreb. Cum pot repara păpușa sexuală TPE în capul ei? Abia pot ajunge la degetul meu acolo... (Fără jocuri de cuvinte) În prezent, tocmai i-am astupat gaura gâtului cu unghii albastre pentru a preveni situații mai asemănătoare.


  • Cum să ai cel mai bun din ambele lumi, adică o păpușă interesantă, nu te va costa prea mulți bani?

    sunt fabricate din materiale de calitate scăzută, calitate scăzută a fabricației și chiar materiale periculoase. La urma urmei, acesta este un produs sanitar și ar trebui să acordați atenție siguranței dumneavoastră. Prin urmare, vă rugăm să stați departe.


  • Vizionând videoclipuri porno cu păpuși sexuale, cum pot afla mai multe despre păpușile de dragoste?

    și chiar și tehnologia de tăiere se dezvoltă cu o viteză uimitoare. Acesta este motivul pentru care tot mai mulți oameni apelează la parteneri sintetici și vă rugăm să rețineți că sunt atrași de păpușile transcendente.


  • Păstrează-mi părerea despre relația mea senzuală rapidă Real Sex Doll?

    Tonight I see if the real sex doll is beautiful and not bad! I have another model waiting, it's too late. If I'm lucky, I will receive it, otherwise I will be reimbursed as soon as I report the delay, the seller did not try to discuss, the custom seems to be blocked. I am a curious weird and fell in love with the real sex doll, but I still do n’t know if I plan to buy it. The idea haunts me, but I am waiting to see my life retain my view of the fast emotional relationship.


  • Păpușile sexuale își vor amenința abilitățile de dragoste?

    Sex dolls certainly don't pose a threat to your love skills, they are the ultimate choice for happiness. You can find the best sex doll by urdolls. It is top notch in a linear toy store. They don't have their own feelings, preferences or sexually transmitted infections, making everyone feel interesting. Although some men may think that sex toys are a threat to their love skills, research shows that this idea is becoming less and less daunting and more widely accepted. Not all sex dolls have a strong sexual desire and appetite for an 18-year-old pretty, and can play with dolls. There are also customers, usually more mature customers, who prefer their dolls to have some wrinkles, crow's feet and deeper laughter. For these men, dolls with these characteristics look more like women, and they can feel the real connection.


  • Cum este site-ul nostru pentru păpuși?

    They look really good. I think it’s not that difficult for my lover to lift and carry it. We may be able to do one thing in bed, but I don’t know what other materials (TPE) or the quality of these dolls tell me other relatives. I just looked at them and thought I was in such a body.


  • Ce este o păpușă masculină?

    The artificial intelligence sex robot deletes all these things from the photos, allowing your marriage to explore the joy of lip biting and toes brought by the naturally stress-free photos of three people. Since your adult flat-chested sex doll has no opinions, attitudes or suggestions, you can easily stuff it in after you finish your work and break it down when you are ready for a happy explosion.


  • Cum să tratezi diferite tipuri de păpuși sexuale similare vieții?

    When browsing, I found that these silicone Japanese sex dolls weighing only 30 kg are particularly interesting and come from other Asian manufacturers or certain American manufacturers. They look really good. I think it’s not that difficult for my lover to lift and carry it. We may be able to do one thing in bed, but I don’t know what other materials (TPE) or the quality of these dolls tell me other relatives. I just looked at them and thought I was in such a body.


  • Deci, vor exista două lumi adevărate ale păpușilor sexuale?

    Obviously this is impossible because we are in DJ mode! Well, vinyl, sorry! So there will be two real sex doll worlds, vinyl and latex? Uh, silicone, I mean! Hello everyone, for several years, I have been asking myself many questions about real dolls. I finally think I found the right discussion. I recently bought a real sex doll. This seems to be a place to communicate. It seems that this is a golden place for a lot of theme information.


  • Ocazional seduce un adevărat însoțitor de păpuși sexuale?

    Sorry, but let's say it's not too early (I just discovered the real sex doll) to explain my desire object in the Oedipus complex and how it leads to a suspicious paternalistic life. Give me in time! Therefore, the purpose is certainly positive, we will say that I will aim at a doll to have a kind of sex for the environment, and occasionally seduce a real sex doll partner to obtain more satisfactory sexual satisfaction than anything else sense.


  • Le vei oferi o senzație de intimitate mai mare Real Sex Doll?

    I speak seductive, fantasy, and well, because to this day, I do not represent the real sex doll except for the object. I do n’t know that I can switch to some kind of anthropomorphic doll like some people here, maybe it comes with the daily experience of the doll, I have no doubt that it will give them a feeling of greater privacy, But at the moment I am not. When I fantasized about them, I recently discovered them on the Internet, so it started with my desires, and when I saw them, I discovered the objects of desire. Because my face and video show real sex doll for 165f.


  • Ce te-a determinat să fii interesat de păpuși?

    Answering this real sex doll question seems very complicated. I have a lot of psychoanalytic elements on hand, but I can't expose them to the couch without falling into exposureism. I would rather abstain. I am not asking about psychoanalysis, but your expectations, what makes you interested in dolls and how to discover them. Knowing clearly why, how and how to do it can help members provide real sex doll advice.


  • Vă lipsiți de părți vizibile imediat ale Păpușei sexuale reale?

    While waiting for a decision to be made, I really want to take away the part of Real Sex Doll that you see immediately, an impressive story of denials and experiences / experiences, and I especially congratulate your community on the general kindness there, So suddenly I showed this post to me, hoping to go through the following areas that I can access so that I can see the links / photos shared by other members. In short, I want to learn more.


  • Putem contacta păpușa sexuală reală în privat?

    When we discovered the treasure, the former soldier, now 50 years old, was also a single father (which is not new in the military) and retired. If you wish, we will parachute and we can contact the real sex doll in private. The army has always been a big family. Considering what we have to do. But sorry, I let you learn what I knew and discovered before. Post your opinion, your research and return here. Ask your question. The people here are cool and open. I let you discover. Take your time and pay attention to what you say, 47-year-old retired soldier and so on. I personally already know your purchasing power! I'm not far from my second divorce four years later, so I will stop the cost and put myself into the cute little real sex dolls once and for all.


  • A avea ajutor de familie este, de asemenea, o păpușă sexuală importantă?

    In addition to these traitors, we like the good Cassow, considering the real sex doll Wikipedia, this concept is acceptable. I can even say that Japan is before us. Because in Japan, some women are married alone (not dressed up), while some men are not related to having a family laugh. One third of the population appears here! The government there is angry. But European / Japanese matchmaking agencies dismiss this. Who wants a real Japanese woman? Because it is also important to have family help, there must be someone who can solve this problem in any case. She has already provided you with a service fee of 200 euros per month in Thailand. She laughs at you (wage is 150 euros on average). My ex-husband is 200 The euro's real sex doll was satisfied ... but she worked hard!


  • Aveți păpuși sexuale drăguțe și modele foto frumoase?

    Here are cute sex dolls and beautiful photo models. I admit that my strengths and weaknesses are important because sex is more important than companionship. But there are ordinary people in the family, I don't think it's necessary to put it in the living room. I never thought of repair materials, but for clothing / accessories, I'm usually an admirer of underwear / shoes or clothes. I have more women than I am with me. As for the budget, this seems a bit tight, excluding repair parts and extra clothing. I have only registered in this area for a few days, but I don't have the best place to advise you, others will be much smarter than me!


  • Nu ți-ai găsit încă iubita de păpușă sexuală?

    Afterwards, curiosity usually develops or makes others uncomfortable. And a friend question that subsequently appeared: "Have you not found a sex doll girlfriend? I am 33 years old and single for 2 years. I live in a pretty village in the country. I recently became interested in love dolls. More information about this universe and comment before buying in the future. I become the owner of a doll to get all the useful information and share my experience later. Which brand and / or which model? Hope you are here Find happiness! Don't hesitate to search, you will not be disappointed! The search tool is very useful, I can find many similar tips! I don't like it very much, only found this forum after placing an order. I haven't experienced everything yet.


  • Am un acord de păpușă sexuală cu partenerul meu?

    Since June 21, 2017, I have reached an agreement with my partner to share my living room with Irina Dole, a 33-year-old Slavic 155 cm sex doll, a dance teacher and choreographer Together. My partner rarely visits him, not because of this situation, but because of her existence, and more because of her charming charm. Reach the second doll and arrange it after the move is complete. me too. Everyone who walked through my house saw my doll sitting in the room and felt a strange feeling. After entering the room, don't see it immediately, because it is still, and then after a while realize that a human form has been watching you for almost a minute, which surprised them all.


  • Unde sunt produse păpușile sexuale realiste de pe site-ul dvs. web?

    Păpușile sexuale ale magazinului de urdolls sunt toate produse în fabrica de păpuși. Suntem un producător și vânzător profesionist de păpuși. Avem câțiva ani de experiență în proiectare și producție. Avem aici propria noastră fabrică de producție. Astfel, putem obține o calitate strictă a păpușilor. Control. Toate păpușile sunt realizate din cele mai bune materiale.


  • Păpușa mea sexuală conține substanțe chimice dăunătoare corpului uman?

    Păpușile sexuale urdolls sunt împărțite în principal în două tipuri. Una este o păpușă din silicon, iar cealaltă este o păpușă TPE. Păpușile din TPE și silicon nu conțin substanțe nocive, toxice sau mâncărime sau substanțe chimice. Sunt foarte sigure și ecologice, TPE Păpușa din silicon este sterilizată și fabricată folosind ingrediente similare jucăriilor sexuale. Cu toate acestea, dacă ați fost alergic la silicon în trecut, nu vă recomandăm utilizarea păpușilor sexuale.


  • Unde pot găsi haine care se potrivesc păpușii mele?

    Puteți purta orice haine obișnuite pentru femei sau bărbați pe păpușile sexuale. Le poti cumpara si dupa masurile bustului, taliei si soldurilor furnizate pe pagina noastra de detalii a papusii. Puteți merge online sau îmbrăcăminte locală. Cumpără pentru a cumpăra. Toate pot fi purtate pe păpuși. Dar trebuie să fii conștient de faptul că unele haine strâmte pot cauza deteriorarea păpușii.


  • Păpușa mea TPE are un miros neplăcut?

    Păpușile de urdolls nu vor avea niciun miros. Materialele folosite la păpușile noastre TPE sunt cauciuc moale TPE de înaltă calitate. Materialele TPE sunt non-toxice, inofensive și ecologice. Au trecut certificarea de siguranță pentru protecția mediului a organizațiilor internaționale. TPE este cel mai apropiat de țesutul pielii uman și are suficiente caracteristici flexibile, pe care le puteți utiliza cu încredere.


  • Care este structura internă a păpușii tale?

    Interiorul tuturor păpușilor sexuale din magazinul de urdolls conține un schelet de metal, iar păpușa poate face toate acțiunile pe care le poate face o persoană reală (picioarele păpușii pot fi așezate la 180 de grade). Folosim o nouă generație de angrenaje biaxiale de înaltă precizie din oțel inoxidabil, cu un design unic similar cu scheletul articulației umane, care poate fi realizat ca o persoană reală. Forma și scheletul sunt durabile și pot rezista la 1000 de teste de balansare, care nu sunt ușor de purtat și de slăbit. Avem tehnologie avansată de cercetare și proces perfect. În industria păpușilor sexuale, suntem căutați și de încredere de mulți iubitori de păpuși. Urdolls a îmbunătățit considerabil experiența utilizatorului.


  • Cât va rezista păpușa mea sexuală?

    De fapt, toată lumea folosește și îi pasă de frecvența păpușilor sexuale, așa că păpușile sexuale vor continua timpuri diferite. În general, păpușile sexuale vor rezista între 2 și 10 ani. Păpușile sexuale folosite și mutate frecvent se vor uza mai ușor, reducând vârsta păpușilor sexuale. Desigur, proprietarii de păpuși pot face și o mulțime de lucruri pentru a-și proteja și întreține păpușile sexuale, ceea ce poate extinde utilizarea păpușilor sexuale. Dacă apare o deteriorare, este ușor să reparați păpușa. Avem, de asemenea, o mulțime de postări utile pe blog și sfaturi care pot face păpușa ta să arate nouă.


  • Am câteva sugestii pentru păstrarea păpușii sexuale TPE

    Older dolls take longer, but I don't know of any way to speed up the process. I had silicone sex dolls stains and they eventually disappeared. Dear guy, I wonder if you would be happy to suggest washing my housekeeper. It was embarrassing that he was so bullshit. This poor man hasn't done it before and obviously doesn't know. Just to clarify that we do have a flushable tool, but this morning he let me half in and half into the bathtub, only to find that he couldn't get the tool. Oh, how did we laugh. Again, I want to know if one of the girls will indulge us. I have started to make a list of suggestions. Sorry if this problem has been solved in other areas (I can't find anything by searching), but I have some suggestions / feedback for storing TPE sex doll.


  • Mă pregătesc să fac o cutie de depozitare a păpușilor sexuale

    Any rubber washer with a thickness of m / m can be used. A washing machine for cars or any other purpose is fine. Just tighten the head until it rests against the washer, the washer will compress and prevent the sex doll's head from swinging, while allowing easy rotation. Manufacturers should provide washing machines as a simple and inexpensive solution. Well, stupid I thought it would be safe to do laundry several times. But it seems to leave some (very small) dark marks. Is there any good way to remove them from the silicon doll? In searching, I did find that someone pointed out that they would disappear on their own .. I don't know if that is true. They will say that your toy is a fairly new doll, so there will be no problem with fading in the next few weeks. My first doll should be sent to me as soon as possible, and I am preparing to make a sex dolls storage box because This way I can lay down more easily to store this doll.


  • Nu sunteți sigur ce este robinetul de tip păpușă sexuală?

    Compression rubber keeps the head still, but the head can still rotate normally. I found that the best washing machine is a thick, grooved washing machine. I'm not sure what sex doll type faucet is, but it is packed in a pretty bag with a variety of faucets. Most tap washers work and can be mounted on the screw, but thicker ones are best. If it helps, I will post a photo. The first photo shows the choice of faucet washers. The thin top is fine, but you need a stack. The type on the lower left is OK, but the center hole needs to be enlarged. The best type I found was the lower right corner, which has slightly rounded edges and grooves around it. The next sex dolls photo shows the washer on the neck threaded rod. The third photo is a close-up shot, and the grooves on the gasket are visible.


  • Păstrați-vă brațele în cea mai bună poziție a păpușii sexuale

    Thanks for all the suggestions, it was really helpful. I will introduce some suitable hardware later. One sex dolls idea I thought of was to use exactly what most guitar fans are familiar with and know exactly what I mean. The guitar is known for its tremolo arm, which is a threaded metal rod that can be screwed into a threaded machined steel block. Over time, the arm usually loosens and can swing freely, but a frequently used solution is to place a pretty high-pressure spring at the bottom of the threaded hole in the steel block. When the arm is screwed into the module and comes into contact with the spring, the compression creates an upward tension in the thread, which makes the left and right movement more rigid, so that the sex doll arm maintains the optimal position. I just pushed the faucet washer onto the screw to compress it when tightening the head.


  • Sunt fabricate alte păpuși sexuale de acest tip?

    After long research, I found SY 163 cm (70 kg weight) (I plan to buy it soon). I didn't find bigger hips and bigger hips. Maybe there are other sex dolls of this type being made. I realized that my 40 kg model is not easy to handle, and then to reach an inert mass of 70 kg, I don't think there are too many devil or lifts ... essentially you please! It's just the experiment that the brand wants to stand out, so MrDollBBW, ... try the experiment! We are all curious to see someone dare to use this model and share his shipping, interviews, and wearing such dolls. I have three dolls TPE and a silicone doll, yes, you will mistakenly think that the quality between tpe and silicone is the same , The two sound very different, and I have both materials, and I found that the better silicone sex doll is because it is stronger, lighter, sensitive to wear and stains, and weighs 47 kg for my toys. The weight is more focused on the actual level, so it is difficult to move.


  • Am efectuat cercetări aleatorii pe păpuși sexuale pe Google

    It was a spectacle, terrible, terrible, abominable ... Mercy, I was still shaking! There was only a bunch of intangible things in the living room, real silicone sex dolls. All this in less than ten minutes. How traumatic! I can still see myself, with eyes, fascinated by this photo. I came out of the stove and did not recover until half an hour later. Yes, I can say that you should avoid using cats when you have a love doll. Hello everyone, I am a pretty tetrahedron, single, and like round women (BBW type) and recent dolls. Love dolls are not interested in me because of their thin body and high price. But recently, I conducted random research on Google and found sex doll and a new material: TPE, which is much cheaper and almost the same quality as silicone (Am I wrong?).


  • Începeți calm să puneți capul pe oasele păpușilor sexuale?

    Silly. But this is a mechanic. My cat cuts the sex doll into thin slices under two halves. Stupid negligence, momentary negligence. The massacre unfolded almost in front of my eyes, silently mounted on my chair, the pipe in my mouth and the memories of Nabira in my hand (volume 15), and the drama that could be unfolded without me could respond (I was scared shocked) ). Lord, what a savage ... Titus (that's his name) immediately jumped to his throat, and it was time for me to punch her at the beheading. Then, after pulling out his paws, he cut off the menu menu within a few minutes, then calmly began to put his head on the bones of sex dolls, and then carried it into the tree, like a trophy.


  • M-am distrat bine la păpușile sexuale?

    Good today, I really want to make up my mind. What worries me is that I have a cat. I lived with my family for a few months and spent some time in the apartment. I had a great time with sex dolls, and I think if I build a nice trunk on the wheels, then I should pass by. (For cats for which I haven't found a solution, I don't know if it will attract them, and if they are really harmful to the doll.) Anyway, I really want to take action there, but if you have any of these minor issues In return, I am the recipient! Dogs and cats don't seem to be fooled like us (cold, inhuman, no food ... no interest) on the forums you will find many cohabitation photos. This is how I destroyed the first sex doll.


  • Plănuiți un coleg de cameră să măsoare mai mult realismul păpușilor sexuale?

    Not because I also planned a roommate to measure more sex doll realism, such as WM168 (approximately your WM161, with a little more hips and legs) ... what do you mean I still fall in the same trap WM168 in the trap obviously has more realistic measurement results! On the TPE model, currently I like YL155 (or 155 custom), but especially WM162 B or C cup (88-66-91), I like the size is not too thin, when I sleep next to it, put my hand I want something more on my belly. I haven't seen too many other brands, there are definitely other models I don't know about. There is always a problem with shoulder width, but it is still rare on TPE sex dolls. Silicones are complicated compared to budgets, so you have to wait (a lot) for longer. This is also conceivable.


  • Puteți vizita restul forumului pentru păpuși sexuale?

    The role play on the doll is very good. When you have access to the rest of the sex dolls forum, I suggest you visit the topic of peaceful Celtic dolls, which is a lot of very good cosplay. I also like YL155, which is very realistic. The 155 custom is also very beautiful, the hips are beautiful, but more slender, I think this has more restrictions on dressing (or clothing? I know more). For the first doll, I was attracted to a doll and the measurements slightly exceeded the standard. (Big boobs, wasp waist and pretty hips) Although it may not be easy to get dressed, we will get better over time. If I take a new roommate home one day, I will also choose a sex doll with a more realistic size. What is it actually?


  • Execut la întâmplare această problemă a păpușilor sexuale

    There are already a lot of things to read, and the rest of the sex dolls issues are here. ... when to convince you ... "advisors" are not payers, they say "yes, even if I have never practiced, I really like the idea of role-playing. This is also a doll that reminds me One of my favorite actresses, because I have been here for a long time. Bruno gave me a lot of good information about dolls, including 155 and 155 custom agencies have attracted my interest, I want to know you guys Do I have them together at home and can tell me if one or the other has a more realistic aspect than reality? Other? I think the ordinary 155 shoelaces give me this impression of realism because it is close to Most of my predecessors, then, I want to be able to dress without too many restrictions, and now it seems to me that the custom is also very suitable, which is why I randomly run this sex doll problem! Then, if I decide (maybe not see ), I will post some role-plays to thank you for your hospitality, and more importantly, it is really warm here!


  • Îmi place realismul ținutelor păpușilor sexuale

    Illustrator and cartoonist, I like the realism and creative ideas of sex dolls costumes. I'm not used to long-term relationships (never more than a few weeks), so I work often, and now I don't find a couple's life. However, in recent years, I have been interested in doll companies. If I come here, it's because I don't have experience in the field, and now I have given myself the means to discover this passion, I just want to aim. I certainly have a lot of questions, but I will look for resolved issues in the forum before I bother you. Especially because some styles are very common, style delays and delivery methods are different, how do you know that we use the same color for the body as the head, etc ... Especially, I hope you can finally convince me to take a sex doll adventure !! In my opinion, it's clean and reasonable ... Actually, it's best to find this forum after (purchase).


  • Găsiți ceva similar sau cumpărați o păpușă sexuală

    Speaking of realism, I think it's good to be realistic. "Doll" is a sex doll, not a (real) woman. There are differences, advantages and disadvantages. Because I plan to buy a doll, but I am registering before buying anything I want to check. Have a good day. You are notified before "take a step" because there is "anything" here! Sex is often a hot topic among various scammers, and it's easy to say that customization (or "kiss"!) Doesn't dare complain too much. So be careful ... more than anything else. Good research and good reading. I am thirty years old this year, I came here to find something similar or buy a sex doll, and how to make the experience more enjoyable by listening to the suggestions of more experienced people ... You come to your first This search is in the right place, which will give you more questions. good evening! 25 years old and single.


  • Aceste păpuși mă surprind cu adevărat

    Hello everyone, after encountering some disappointment in love, I hope to adopt a sex doll, I will learn this topic to make my own choice and get some top models. This method is still a little tricky for me psychologically, because knowing that being surrounded can make things easier ... these dolls really amaze me! Before starting an adventure, it is normal to ask yourself many questions. In Region 2, there is a mental corner to talk about all of this. After 10 posts, you will have access. Yes, the reality of dolls, even after a while, sex dolls are always amazing! Indeed, realism is sometimes surprising. In the early days, when I arrived in the room, there were sometimes unexpected "bursts", and I saw this silhouette in bed!


  • Văd foarte puține păpuși sexuale japoneze cu fibre fine negre

    Friends. Trying makeup today is a nightmare. You are using baby wipes for a little lotion. But I see very few Japanese sex dolls with black fine fibers. How do you delete these? Please also post important tips for removing cosmetics. Think the skin is now stained. Always using the right makeup for the area. Lip gloss can make your lips permanently discolored. Nipples and so on are satisfied with this. It happened to me, I used acetone nail polish remover and cotton swabs to remove makeup stains, but this doll is a silicone doll, not a tpe. Might be worth trying. If it's TPE, try some baby oil to remove makeup for Japanese sex doll. For silicone, use acetone or isopropyl alcohol (IPA); for cloth, use Daz. As for coloring your nipples, you can just use blush powder.


  • Cred că va mai fi una în spatele articulației păpușii sexuale japoneze

    I tried to tighten the bolt, but nothing happened, so I thought there would be another one at the back of the Japanese sex doll joint. I found a black hole and needed an Allen wrench. I didn't expect this to happen, but fortunately, I had the right type and tightened it, which solved the problem. In order to seal her up, I came up with a hot knife, and re-fusion of the skin together can achieve the purpose, but it is not the case, it just spread out, so there is no choice to use super glue. It works well and now she has scars, but it will last, I made sure not to use too much because super glue can be very hard. I hope this will be fine in the long run, but if not, I'm really a bit worried. I think I will write this in case someone else has a similar problem with their Japanese sex dolls.


  • Tăiați cu o lamă de ras pe umărul păpușii sexuale japoneze

    If you cut and tighten the nut and bolt at the seam on the shoulder of the Japanese sex dolls, you will find that it is broken or the nut is loose. In the latter case, it is easy to tighten it. He will do the repairs, although you must send the doll in. Thanks for your suggestion, I am pretty sure this is a loose bolt and needs to be tightened. Letting her go is one thing, but sealing her is another, so I'll call the vendor you mentioned. Well, I finally managed to solve her and it was too costly for the supplier to complete the job, so I decided to do it myself. I used a sharp blade to cut the top of the Japanese sex doll's shoulder and opened the skin until I saw the underside. There are some meshes covering the bolts that must be cut off to reveal them.


  • Puteți ridica întreaga păpușă sexuală japoneză

    Japanese sex dolls with "goosenecks" are not recommended. When in doubt, use adjustable cam straps to anchor the pretty doll's eyebolts to the suspension rails so that both doll feet are on the floor. Since I followed this good idea, I upgraded the slides in the closet to screwed closet slides. They are very cheap and won't drift. They are very sturdy. This seems like a very practical way to store dolls, but to me it looks a bit like a serial killer. I also worry about damaging the doll. I have an Ottoman bed with lockers underneath. The mattress is on a slatted base with air struts, so you can lift the entire Japanese sex doll and reach the storage area below.


  • Mă bucur să te ajut cu păpușa de sex japoneză

    Never mind, we are happy to help you with Japanese sex doll, we will soon launch a variety of exciting makeup products online, so hope we can attract you back. We have also been providing repair kits for repairs and beauty repairs. For nail polish, eyelashes, etc., for silicone, TPE and PU, we can customize various additional products to meet various requirements. I hung three dolls from a closet slide. The height of these Japanese sex dolls was 165, 157 and 155 respectively. The height is set so that the tallest doll feet just touch the bottom of the closet, thus reducing the pressure on the neck. The other two dolls hung without any foot support. Is it better to put something under the pretty doll's feet to relieve the pressure on the neck? Or can you hang Japanese sex dolls as freely as you see them in the factory? Depends on the design of the doll and skeleton.


  • Acesta este un produs japonez foarte ieftin pentru păpuși sexuale

    Any crazy glue / super glue based on cyanoacrylate will do. This is a very cheap Japanese sex dolls product that can be bought in any one euro store, about 50 carats (tube) to 1 euro per 50 grams. Alternatively, you can take the luxury route to buy Loctite 406, which is better than crazy glue, but at a much higher price. The key to proper adhesion is to use as little glue as possible. I stuck a drop of glue to a piece of paper and dipped the tip of the toothpick into the drop. Please note: This does not apply to silicone Japanese sex dolls. Thanks everyone for your answers, Paul decided to be sorry, I decided to buy super glue and some false eyelashes locally. However, I will bookmark your page to find any other needs I cannot find locally.


  • Pot încerca când trebuie să repar păpușa sexuală japoneză

    The gel form is easier to control. Should only be used on Japanese sex dolls nails or eyelashes. Do not use to bind TPE to TPE, because it does not work well. It will peel off if stretched. As you have discovered, cyanoacrylates are not permanent, but have a long enough lifespan to be useful to the manufacturer and yourself. As far as I know, any false eyelashes will do. Resize before trying the application. I noticed that some manufacturers stick eyelashes on shorter sections (e.g. 8mm). I have never done it, but I can try it next time I need to repair a Japanese sex doll. I think that when TPE is stretched, the shorter part may be less inclined to separate. Reconnect your plastic fingers / nails or eyelashes and you won't need any patented products.


  • Folosind super lipici pe păpușa sexuală japoneză TPE

    A store in the United States charges countless shipping charges and I have to pay import duties. When I was using it, I also wanted to attach eyelashes to another Japanese sex dolls, but she did not bring any eyelashes, and it was also TPE. My main question is as follows: Where can I buy TPE safe nail and eyelash glue, preferably in the EU? Does it matter what kind of eyelashes you get? I can also buy some false eyelashes locally. If I use TPE safety eyelashes and nail gel to stick it to the TPE, will it damage the TPE? Sorry if someone asked these questions and answered them elsewhere, I tried a quick search but didn't find what I was looking for. Use super glue on TPE Japanese sex doll. "Cyanoacrylate" is an expert in typing and spelling!


  • M-am dus pentru păpuși sexuale japoneze făcute pentru TPE

    The correct method is to dry the spray gun for about two days, otherwise it will fall off. Available in multiple colors and in liquid form, it is possible to mix pretty amounts of dyes or mix them together to create a custom Japanese sex doll personal taste shade. Tooth I am using a tire marker. It can last a long time, but the dose will eventually decrease. Hello everyone, I hope someone may know something about European sellers. So my latest doll's eyelashes seem to be a little shedding, and I want to re-fix it properly. The thing now is that she is made of TPE. I don't want to hurt her, so I went to Japanese sex for TPE dolls, but I can only find a few stores.


  • Vedeți înainte și după fotografii cu păpuși sexuale

    Just to let you know using hot repair sex dolls cuts. This is the only way, I will do standing foot exercises for people who are not standing ... I changed my mind. But when it was sealed, I made the cut worse. I pulled my skin down to see if I could reach my knees. Maybe remove your legs and change to a new foot. Therefore, when I put the skin and feet back in place, it is unlikely that I will place them properly. And there is pressure at the seams. So any heat I put will only make it crazy! But I fixed it and it doesn't disappear. See photos of sex doll before and after. All are fixed with a soldering iron and hot air. The white viscose is a filling paste made of xylene.


  • Dacă doriți să reparați păpuși sexuale cu solvent

    This is what I mean by adding a layer of plastic to the place where the palm and the sex doll wire are connected. A thin layer of it may work. I know space is tight. So it may not help. Really cheap pills can be found on Ebay or Aliexpress. If you look at a picture with a coil sleeve, it's similar to a black finger. But in this photo I did not use steel wires. not good. They are still poking. To seal it after the replacement was done, I used a 30-watt soldering iron and a thin copper sheet, just like a hot knife. Make sure that there is no stress when cutting, otherwise the stress will be greater. Honestly, I haven't used high-priced TPE "glue"! In a lot of practice, the heating effect is the same. However, if you want to do sex repair sex dolls, please use xylene (Recochem Xylene), which I have tested and can make pastes, etc.


  • Sper cu adevărat că păpușa sexuală poate fi reparată mult timp

    I checked all the contributor posts and thought it was a simple example, and forgot that the conversation has been moved to another sex dolls forum, so others (ie myself) may have no context and therefore may not understand the reference. As you can imagine, considering using Yvettes wrist, this is a conversation very close to my heart, so although it didn't really work, I still got a lot of interest because when I repaired the wires, I really hope They can be repaired for a long time. I wrapped my fingers / hands with a copper telephone wire and covered it with a shrink tube. They have not gone bankrupt and have absorbed their stubs well. The grip is not good, but the posture is good. Polymorph particles can be heated in boiling water or hot air and shaped as required. I made a whole hand with sex doll, but it is still in the experimental stage.


  • Dacă vrei să asortezi articulațiile păpușilor sexuale

    I use 4 strands of telephone line. One line can be removed. Twist them. Then, I took the steel wire and stripped it, and wrapped the steel wire. You can even add "pseudo-joints" if you want to match the joints of sex dolls, but this is optional. Cover it with a shrink tube. I did this with dolls, which have poor grip, but they are very strong and haven't cracked after months of torture. I gave you the answer for polymorphic particles. Wrap the wires with wires. It will provide some sex doll support where the wires come in contact with the tablet. The pellets are very hard when they are hardened and need not be too thick to protect those threads. But in this case, the link does not return to the referenced item (polycrystalline particles?).


  • Poate ajuta la îmbunătățirea durabilității păpușilor sexuale

    Here's how to mark the wires: take about 5 bare wires and twist them together evenly with me. Squeeze one end of the pliers, then put the other end into the sex doll drill chuck until it is taught, and then slowly rotate until it is tightly wrapped (while keeping the teaching state.) Be careful not to overtighten the cover. The heat-shrinkable tube is then sleeved over it until it shrinks. Clamp the end to make it uneven, and then test with a finger line. You can add as many harnesses as needed to total 3.2 mm. The length of the wire should be at least about 6 inches. . Sorry, not sure about the length in CM. You know we are stuck with SAE cos here in the United States, and it takes some company funds to measure him. This twisting can also be done through the insulation on each wire. May help improve sex doll durability.


  • Trebuie să testați plumbul înainte de a introduce păpuși sexuale

    Some sex dolls have tiny miniature gooseneck-like wires ... Although they are durable, the quality of goosenecks is usually pure. These are usually used for dolls that do not have a palm rest .. and always enter the carpal tunnel. For an example, see Photo # 1. If I can get some of them, but the quality is good, I bet I will be happy! As far as construction goes, I want it to look more like Photo # 2. I found something on ebay and Amazon. stainless steel. But it's hard to tell the diameter ... the core of your finger doesn't exceed aounr 3.0-3.3mm. I have questions about the sex doll supplier of that cable on Ebay, but haven't answered me yet, asking for the diameter of the cable. Maybe one day we can find a viable fix without spending too much! It must be something we can use. Great permanent position for bending fingers etc. Grasp objects, etc. with your hands. Phone line I never thought of the phone I heard somewhere. If it could work. I guess we need a test lead before we insert the sex doll. The trick with wires is to twist them. Not insulated ... or insulated.


  • Nu sunt sigur de ordinul minim al păpușilor sexuale

    Instead of using tired and broken wires instead of sex doll springs. A certain length of spring material can be used instead of the entire wire, or a pretty section of spring can be used to cause some deflection at the transition between the plate and the wire. You can buy a certain length of spring material, and either a compression spring or a tension spring will work (although a compression spring may mean that your hands are constantly opening and dropping things! You have a good idea, I will look into this because A hardware store can use many types of springs. One of the most important things I found when studying wire / finger materials: you know the first two are, but I stumbled upon the third one. The bending radius refers to a certain The amount that a thing can bend before it stops bending (ie a spring). Another example is a gooseneck. Or how round it can be. I found some of them, but I'm not sure what the minimum MOQ of sex dolls is.


  • Sper să transformăm poziția păpușilor sexuale într-un fel de leagăn sexual

    I will continue to look for metric hardware suitable for sex doll seats. What do other doll owners use as a hardware source? I want to get this doll's body up in a few days. If you want to turn the sex dolls' position into some kind of sex swing, just add a second spring and / or make it taller by adding extra pipes (at least this model is modular). This bracket solves the weight problem of people with temporary disabilities like me while having sex. I found the second use of the stand within five minutes of installing the stand. I saw a brand new product line of doll stands! But there are actually structural design issues. Later, I was amazed that the sex doll no longer required laborious manipulation, just in ... all the twists, turns and bends made the top nut fall off. you can say so. The doll fell down. No damage to hardware or dolls. PS and right-handed mothers do cause breast deflection due to breastfeeding, and the odd thing about this doll's balance is the distortion of the lens angle.


  • Nu puteți conecta păpușile sexuale la stand?

    First picture of the problem-unable to connect sex dolls to the stand. First of all, this doll stand may come from urdolls, and I received it when I purchased second-hand silicone 145 cm doll sweet. Pay attention to unnecessary sharp hooks, which have limited space and cannot fit into the hooks (maybe safer). I found it challenging to find parts that were not suitable for installation. Secondly, why is the diameter of the hook bolt extremely small? He cannot exceed 5mm. Third, why do we need to cover nuts. Is it safer? I'm not familiar with shopping skills. There may be a reason, but if this setup is homemade, I think I can do better, and of course it will be different. In addition, the quality of the steel on the neck of the sex doll looks rough. But do I know?


  • Am oferit un adaptor pentru cele mai recente păpuși sexuale ale grupului?

    It may be worth mentioning that I provided the m16 adapter for the group's latest sex dolls, which has a threaded center support that can attract m8 eyes. This change seems to be that at the same time that they started to provide top-mounted accessories, the top-mounted accessories were also poor at most, and there was no too much topic. If someone can explain to me, if you continue to push the top cover, the internal thread will be fine. The metal connector with metal ball will not wear out in time when the sex doll thread side is facing down, please do so. It took a few days, made dozens of calls, four to five store visits and $ 27 (= £ 15), but I had the solution.


  • Când am primit prima mea păpușă sexuală?

    I think people are just looking for bolts because that's what they are used to seeing being used. When I got the first sex doll, I used a hook to hang her directly on the rails (so the hook has m16 thread at the bottom), but then I was a blacksmith. Even m16 bolts or threaded rods can be bent into hooks. The right kit (forging or oxygen torch), or welding together to make something if you can't find what you need. I don't know how strong the stretched polymorph or metal epoxy is, but maybe one of these materials can be used to make sex dolls threaded parts and build around existing pretty fittings.


  • Multe magazine mari de păpuși sexuale nu au nici măcar valori

    In this way, it will not generate lateral pressure on the sex doll's neck. If there is no welder, use some wire instead of the chain and wrap it in line with the bolt. Looking for M16 compatible hardware is exactly the challenge I am facing now. I will look online. But why use your eyes? Not more powerful / larger hooks, or other types of hardware attached? And various metals / quality? In large DIY stores here in Canada, the maximum size of metric hardware is M12. Even if Canada switched to metric decades ago, many large sex doll stores did not even have any metric.


  • Primul lucru pe care l-am făcut a fost să-mi cer scuze pentru păpușile sexuale?

    I know how terrible it is to ignore. However, I assure you that when I give sex dolls a full body wash, it is out of good intentions! I didn't know she had tears in her throat. When she is TPE, I apply Vaseline and / or baby oil in all areas. I think she may have been in tears for so long ... It may be a good idea to apologize. The first thing I did was to apologize to sex dolls, and when I saw what happened, I was shocked ... I vowed never to let this happen to another doll I took care of. My first sex doll must have learned a lot about dolls. The hole behind the throat is a common feature.


  • O scoți pe Wendy din dulapul păpușii sexuale?

    I finally took Wendy out of the sex doll's closet. Recently, it may be about 5-6 months after I see her ... I last let her out, and I gave her a thorough cleaning, from inside to outside, Turn her into a previous store. A few days ago, when I took her out, I noticed that she had brown stripes on her neck ... I was sitting on the bed of the sex doll, and moved to the beginning to check, maybe half of the rusty brown came out. Water ... it turns out there was actually a little tear behind her throat. So when I cleaned the sex dolls' mouth 6 months ago, the water had penetrated her neck and directly into the bones.


  • Ați cumpărat de la un alt furnizor de păpuși sexuale?

    I think at least it should be done now. Attempting repairs will at least broaden my experience. If it turned out to be a complete disaster, then at least I tried. By chance, I came across a different website that suggested that Doris was also a WM girl, but when I checked the WM Doll website, there was no corresponding sex doll. Is it possible for someone to pull wool through a supplier's eyes and slip over a defective product? It was a minefield. Anyway, I have too many balls: repair Doris, or continue / stick with TPE, or a new plush doll, or go back and buy the girl I originally wanted, but from another sex dolls supplier bought? Again, I recently discovered that this is possible. Another trouble is that the family decided to go to Easter (you will notice the closed mind, the form of religious festivals), so the sex doll girls had to hide temporarily. Everything stopped.


  • Ce se întâmplă dacă păpușa sexuală este expusă la o temperatură greșită mult timp?

    Canvas bags in those photos. The inner lining looks shiny ... Is the sex doll already stored in the bag in a silicone waterproof packaging! Unfortunately, I know a black doll even from a well-known manufacturer. She is a friend and I tried hot fix. But everything got worse. It says that TPE sex dolls are not only polymers but also rubber. Therefore, TPE is likely to deteriorate in some cases. In addition, it is not difficult to see why if the TPE doll is under pressure for a long time, it is easy to produce tears around the joints. This is because if the sex doll is exposed for a long time (especially when stored at the wrong temperature), the TPE may not recover from the compression load.


  • Aveți probleme cu lipiciul aplicând păpușa sexuală?

    At that time, a cause experiment was being considered to prevent this from happening to anyone else. That's all I can think of ... but you still have the problem of the glue getting worse between the positions of the sex doll. There is no easy long-term solution ... only deep reheating can effectively reposition the polymer bonds. Sticking wood chips to the wood chips does not remove them. I thought you were taking pictures, just looking for options until you came back. My idea is that if it is a shoulder, then it can be fixed. If the entire surface of the TPE shows signs of deterioration of the TPE sex dolls, then this is a more fundamental problem for the TPE.


  • Ce se întâmplă dacă întregul corp al păpușilor sexuale prezintă semne de deteriorare?

    Expert in creating xylene solutions and thermosets, so maybe he can advise on how to create a xylene solution. One thing I would say is that xylene is lethal. Be careful when using outdoors or in a garage and wear a mask. If the entire body of sex dolls shows signs of this deterioration, i.e., tiny cracks appear elsewhere, I fear this may end. Believe me, I really regret to say that no matter the tradition of sex dolls, it is not worth going out in this way. I really hope that's not the case. If this is a terminal, please do not use this doll's TPE to fix any other dolls, as this seems to be a flawed mixture. Of course, I need not say more, but if this is the end of the body, it does not mean that it is over. I am really sorry. Just hope I was wrong, and hope that sex dolls can get a new life out of it (if it is just shoulders, then she can).


  • Este o problemă limitată la o anumită zonă de păpuși sexuale TPE?

    Fill the layer with a thick paste-like tpe sex doll xylene mixture, allow it to settle for a few days after the last layer is deposited, and apply baby oil before using a heat gun. This is something I often do. Is the problem limited to one end? Using TPE glue will not work for any substantial work. It couldn't hold at all ... a bit like trying to repair a broken limb with an elastic backstop. Assuming this is a problem limited to a certain area of TPE sex dolls, the only hope is to make a paste using TPE melted in xylene. Apply and use a hot air gun that will drop to 50 degrees (many hot air guns have a high temperature, you'd better use a flamethrower on one of them!). Do not operate above 100 degrees, and be aware that the TPE sex doll will retain heat, so even the digital readings from your heat gun will not equal the heat on the TPE surface.


  • Un pistol cu ​​aer cald ar putea repara aceste fisuri ale păpușilor sexuale?

    Maybe using a hot air gun may repair these sex doll cracks. This seems to be a way to repair such cracks. As I saw on other doll forums, a member successfully used it. Although the crack is not too bad , But seems to solve the problem of tpe sex dolls. The glue I heard may come across and be lost, because if it's done wrong, the situation seems to get worse, which is why I see someone talking about heat gun repairs. Looks like frostbite like TPE. which is. Moisture can freeze and break polymer bonds. I think the experiment is in progress. I know what I will do, but I'm not sure if the sex doll works or how good it looks.


  • Este o păpușă sexuală cu defecte iremediabile?

    It's outside the house's insulation, it's winter. As can be seen from the attached image, the sex doll suffered some damage: she was not under any physical pressure or exposed to water. The WM girl next to her had only a few "cuts". Things about Doris's "body" have changed. She became vulnerable. My fingers crossed her risk, causing a new "throat." Therefore, I seek your advice. I think the problem here is that poor Doris is from a non-mainstream manufacturer and her TPE sex doll is of poor quality. Time and / or cold winters have begun to degrade. I watched a video about using TPE glue and filler. The question is whether I should conduct such experiments. It might be a good idea for me to try these materials for my own education. But if this is a sex doll with irreparable flaws, and "going to the knifesmith's yard", then I want to know this now. My goal must be realistic. In addition, there is no need to buy clothes for terminally ill girls.


  • Nu toate păpușile sexuale sunt același schelet?

    A little exciting. The problem with TPE sex dolls is usually that the nuts and bolts are welded together and therefore not easily undone. This is likely to be broken, especially if it is already tight. It's worth talking to your vendor, but it can get boring. In my opinion, this seems to be a potential design flaw because the weight of the upper body may be too large for the posterior joint and she should probably have an airbag instead of a strong breast. Unfortunately, not all sex dolls are the same skeleton. Which supplier did you purchase from her? Some of them have the skills to try remedial surgery, or if they are considered design problems, they are the best person to talk to the factory.


  • Păpușile sexuale din producția de masă pot costa mai puțin?

    This will make the sex doll more expensive to manufacture, but in the long run, if many doll manufacturers adopt this method, the mass production cost may decrease over time. Ion contact with the shaped body allows one to order only the parts and assemble them at home. The metric tons of waste wires have also been purchased on the website and can also be used in conjunction with this. If you don't mind the surgery and assembly of some newbie/finger parts, then our hand repair work in the UK is very good. I handed my things to a supplier who was very good at repairing my sex dolls. The price is also very reasonable, but unfortunately, the repair of the ankle has not lasted for a long time, I am too attached, but I need a new doll body, but regardless of the quality, I will not pay for TPE again, because The quality is too bad.


  • Care sunt avantajele păpușilor sexuale frumoase?

    Everyone's hobbies are different. Some people like racing, some people like football, just like your favorite wine, sex dolls also have pretty sizes. Just like you like it. Urdols' sex dolls range from 100 cm to 140 cm in pretty dolls. Love dolls weighing around 20 kg. You can find them at 2018 best sale 100cm-140cm doll. In fact, height and weight are still the only differences between pretty dolls and stuffed dolls. The size of the vagina can be changed by opening and closing the legs. amazing. correct? There are a variety of pretty Sex doll sizes that have different features to ensure that everyone's needs are met. size. The pretty size of the pretty doll is the main reason you should buy. The pretty size makes the sex doll very effective, and considering that height and weight are the only differences from full-size dolls, the pretty doll is very real. Don't you think so? Their pretty size allows you to effortlessly use your doll for some stimulating posture without getting tired. pretty line dolls are more suitable for novices or people who love collections.


  • Este legal să cumperi o păpușă sexuală drăguță?

    Buying a pretty sex doll is a wish of many customers. It is legal for you to buy a doll. You need to understand the local government policy. Because the laws of sex dolls vary from region to region. You can also buy at 2018 best sale 100cm-140cm doll Legally buy pretty dolls. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at


  • Ar trebui să aplic făină de porumb pe păpușa de sex japoneză?

    I want to know if my talcum powder (or corn flour) is too harsh. Should I apply it to Japanese sex dolls and may be abused? What are the consequences? Everything is gone, I don't want Pich to get fat. It should look like this during the use of flour/talc. When they drink damn things, they may refuel, but as far as I know, it is impossible to fill the powder, because the flour is the excess oil on the surface and the drawer (the flour molecules are larger than the gap between the TPE molecules. The talcum powder is finer, but Still too big to be consumed by the Japanese sex doll. They lost what they didn't need. The only problem is that if the corn flour is on a damp surface and because the corn flour is organic, it can cause mold.


  • Ce efect are solventul asupra păpușii sexuale japoneze?

    I just cleaned the Japanese sex doll "wound" with a cotton swab and then put it a little bit around. This will soon be done. Then use a wooden toothpick (which seems hard to find these days), immerse it in the TPE glue, make sure to remove the large drops, then apply a thin coating, then use it to wipe the inside of the wound, then just let her The arm position is held in place separately. With her arms fully extended, the wound is closed, which is where I stretch my arms. Gently open it with your fingers, insert the toothpick, then let go and let it relax. I don't want to use a plastic toothpick because I don't know what effect the solvent will have on the Japanese sex doll, but it may be good. 


  • Poate că păpușa ta sexuală japoneză are nevoie de mai multă vaselină?

    Ok, I bite the bullet and use it on her elbow. In fact, it is going well. Using only a pretty amount so far (several days) seems to make the wound closed well. It is not completely invisible, but it is just some pretty scars that are not bad for me. The real worry is why it will be scattered here first. Maybe Japanese sex doll needs more oil / Vaseline? I am very happy to hear that this is a successful operation. Have you used oil, alcohol, or acetone? Also, I want to know that you will get advice on prevention, but I don't want to think that my girl is hurt. I think this will happen sooner or later, so I can take some measures to protect the safety of the Japanese sex doll.


  • Cum să te descurci cu lacrimi mai mari pe japoneză Sex Doll

    Simply open the wound and apply a pretty amount of glue to the tip of the toothpick, then immediately loosen the TPE, let it relax and drop it again. If the material is subjected to any pressure (such as when bending an elbow), the material will not stick together but will melt and create a large tear. You need to use glue on the parts you want to be together, so if it's the Japanese Sex Doll elbow, you need to straighten it so that you don't see cracks. Any anti-adhesive items you read are used by people who are not using them properly, such as trying to use glue to repair large wounds in the department or use it to repair Japanese Sex Doll's tiny tears/scratches. You can use glue to repair large cracks or cracks on the TPE, but you need to do it in stages, starting from the bottom and then repairing it over several hours or days, but for pretty cracks it is fast and good. Used, I found the area to be stronger after using glue.


  • Este momentul să facem un duș pentru Japoneză Sex Doll?

    I thought it was time to take a shower. Thought I would post Japanese Sex Doll to show my work. I took her to the bathroom (protected with white socks on my hands and feet, taped around my neck), sat on the bath plate, wetted her with a shower, then soaped her with a gentle shower gel, I used sensitive, Then rinse off the soap. Then I patted her with a towel and then put her on the bed to dry. A good idea for a shower board. I am thinking about doing something similar to a doll... I think in the last photo, she may have been watching Tisworth and knowing the dying flies. When I had Japanese Sex Doll, I thought of this idea.


  • Poate face acest lucru păpușa de sex japoneză cea mai bună?

    I have cut a few Japanese sex dolls, mainly working on the arms and ankles. The nuts are loose and it is easy to tighten some bolts, maybe welded. The wrench on the nut does not rotate. You can't tell which side. Ok, I don't think, I just cut them and hope to achieve the best results, I am in the middle of sealing the two arms, I got it wrong last night. If anything makes sense. This morning, I was thinking that you might have something. What I need to see is under the milky/orange webbing of the posterior joint in the middle. She is not bad, I found that the Japanese sex doll occasionally likes to roll forward.


  • Cum de a rezolva problema confuziei mâinii păpușii sexuale japoneze?

    The Japanese sex doll's hand is a bit confusing due to the usual wear and tear. I gave a very clean grease to one hand and worked on two areas - a strange seal on the top of the hand (the first finger meets the palm) and then the side of the hand smooth. In the same process as before, the foamed drill bit can only be used twice to get good results. Although it's not perfect, it looks much better - ignore the dirty fingertips, and then I will study the Japanese sex doll. They are clumsy, have no wires, and I need to sort out a lot of stamps. The main job I have to do is. Reinsert the improved left hand finger line and seal the hole. Clean other elbows. Pack your right hand, if you can bother, please replace the wire (may later) tighten the knee joint (this may happen earlier, not later, because I can't stand her, I feel frustrated) - tighten the thigh joint. This can be tricky, but I think at least one knee will help stand. Many other secondary cosmetics, such as feet and various frictions.


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