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Cum să ai grijă de păpușa ta sexuală

When drying the doll, please avoid wiping her with a towel, especially if she has super realistic paintings or smooth matte effects. A good way is to pat her with a towel until dry. Make sure to dry the orifice of the doll completely to avoid moisture. To dry the orifices, it is recommended to use the paper towel technique: fold several paper towels into a cylindrical or long rectangular shape, and then place the paper towels in all wet orifices. Wait a few minutes for the paper towel to absorb moisture.
After a few minutes, replace the paper towel with a new dry towel and repeat the process. Usually, doing this twice is enough to dry the hole of the doll. However, to be safe, please make a third round of tissues and leave them in the orifice, which can only be taken out before sexual intercourse.
Just like there are different life scenarios and parents, this requires us to end the guide. If your parents are considerate, there will be an unforgettable and interesting experience between your folks and păpușă sexuală drăguță. However, if the opposite is true, please make sure you put down a show that is worth cherishing.

.păpușă sexuală drăguță

Tell them how inconsiderate they are. Because of this, you have never had a happy relationship. Regardless of the outcome, it is certain that your parents will never never you when it comes to love. Anyone you date with from now on will receive the continued support of your parents.
Apelul unui papusa de sex tpe is that it has the same appearance as a real person. In life, you may not find such a perfect girlfriend. Her breasts, abdomen and thighs are plump, with no excess fat, and she looks the same as the model. At the same time, she is also a good tool to exercise sexual abilities, she will not complain like her girlfriend. Many people find that friends are just out of desire for sex, and sex dolls can solve this problem well, and then you can spend more time on work or dreams.
When using the paper towel technique, it is recommended to keep the doll in an upright position so that gravity can pull the water down so that the paper towel can absorb it.
Be very careful lest she fall. To be safe, please let her stand in a corner of the room and tilt her back to the corner păpușă de sex masculin.
Other alternatives to paper towels are tampons. Simply place the tampon in the wet hole and absorb the moisture. Repeat twice or until the removed tampon is no longer wet.

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