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Cum să faci sex cu o păpușă transexuală?

The most popular Japanese ladyboy sex doll in our shop, people who bought her love her very much and want to marry her. Don't let her innocent look deceive you, she has a big 18cm dick for you to play with. She was developed by the best designers, and the details of her face and body make her the most realistic Japanese shemale păpuși sexuale ieftine. She is such an angel, listen to what you say, and do what you ask her to do. It has the softest and smoothest skin because it is made of TPE material, which is odorless, safe and elastic. There is no doubt that this beauty is the transsexual doll of your dreams.

Cum să faci sex cu o păpușă transexuală? Ei bine, a face sex cu o păpușă transexuală nu este diferită de a face sex cu o păpușă sexuală obișnuită. Dacă îți place sexul vaginal, poți să-i scoți penisul și să te bucuri de plăcerea femeilor. Dacă vă place să aveți un penis în corp, introduceți penisul în deschiderea ei și mergeți cât de puternic puteți. Păpușile sexuale transexuale au tot ce îți dorești pentru bărbați și femei. Cumpărarea unei păpuși sexuale transgender cu tot corpul este o decizie importantă. Fie că sunteți în căutarea unui orgasm incitant sau că explorați o nouă aventură într-o viață sexuală plictisitoare, este important să alegeți o păpușă sexuală transexuală potrivită și potrivită, care să satisfacă cu adevărat toate nevoile dvs. Sunt necesare păpuși sexuale transexuale. Poate fi folosit cum vrei, ai nevoie doar de putina imaginatie pentru a te bucura de el.

These customers may not be able to date again, but they also don't want to be at home alone, so before their trust returns, they order a Păpușă de sex masculin as a "bridge." Both couples and singles like to buy dolls, which is a trend attributed to desire. He claimed that human beings are sexual creatures with greedy desires. "Due to lack of affection, the couple found that dolls are a safe way to add another partner. This is a non-deceptive sex experiment." When a partner cannot enjoy sex for health reasons, the couple does not want an external partner Sometimes, dolls are usually introduced as sex agents.

cumpără păpușă sexuală adevărată-14

It is easy to assume that only idealized and flawless Păpușă de sex japoneză are needed, but Jerry broke this myth and insisted that not everyone wants a super fit 18-year-old figure. Because one of our clients is in his 60s and does not want a doll in his 20s, one of our faces has crow's feet, wrinkles and deeper smile lines. "That looks more like a woman, like someone I might be related to," he said. People want bigger butts, freckles, and even rabbit teeth, so we have received various requests.

It depends on how well a doll is cleaned. Cleaning the sex doll after each use is an important part of owning a sex doll. To avoid contamination, sex dolls must be cleaned properly and thoroughly. Bacteria and fungi may stay inside the doll, especially after ejaculation, so the entire doll needs to be cleaned properly after each use. After use, remove the doll head from the body and wash them separately. Rinse the private parts with tap water or mild soapy water. It is recommended to air dry or wipe with a dry cloth. Never use a hair dryer.

It depends on how you take care and maintain your Tpe papusa sexuala. When the body skin becomes sticky, please also use bath powder or loose powder to make it dry and smooth. After cleaning, dry the doll with a towel and apply some bath powder or cornstarch powder. Please don't blow the doll with a hair dryer. Clean the face gently and gently with a damp towel. Use mild shampoo to clean the wig. Let the wig dry naturally.Suggestion: Please dress the doll and keep it clean. You should move the doll carefully because it is a bit heavy. Please avoid dropping, hitting or breaking the doll.

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