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Culoarea apare atunci când se folosește păpușa sexuală, poate fi reparată?

Cu toate ca Păpușă de sex masculin are very sturdy, sex dolls are very robust works. They are made of high-quality materials and are not easily damaged even when used continuously. But there will always be some damage, especially in the case of careless use. There are many ways to repair sex dolls, we will introduce you: the best way to repair damaged sex dolls.

In some cases, you no longer need to buy anything to repair your beloved sex doll. In order to let you know more about simple sex doll repair methods, please study this article in depth. In fact, hair dryers provide a solution for damaged sex dolls. Wet the towel and use it to cover the indentation on the sex doll.

Atunci când se utilizează Papusa sexuala anime, when you have a relationship with sex dolls, the influence of your weight may leave pressure marks. If your sex doll has a dent, don't worry, because you can easily repair it with a hot towel. This can also happen if you accidentally push a heavy object onto the surface of the doll. In addition, when you place the doll incorrectly or store the doll in the wrong posture or position, indentation may also appear.

When you use a sex doll in a rough manner, it is likely to shed tears and bruise. Because the dye on the colored cloth may bleed and stain your doll, causing greater damage to it. The first thing you need to do for this procedure is of course to prepare a clean towel. Your towel should be white. this is

Before proceeding to glue the torn skin of the doll, you must first clean it. It is important not to have excess glue on the tip of your applicator, as it may drip on your sex doll’s skin and cause stains. Another purpose is that the oil or petroleum jelly you apply can distribute the heat of the heat gun more evenly. Therefore, this step is very important if you do not want to burn the skin of a sex doll.

 Tpe papusa sexuala cool down, and then repeat the process. Do this until your doll no longer has any irregularities. Heating too close to the doll's skin may cause more damage to it. For this reason, there should be a distance of about four inches between your heat gun and the skin of the sex doll.




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