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Descoperirea revoluționară în tehnologia Puppet îmbunătățește experiența utilizatorului

Starting in October 2023, XTdoll, the adult entertainment industry’s leading innovator, has broken new ground, proudly launching a cutting-edge solution that promises to revolutionize the way users experience the pleasure of sex dolls.

Reasons for project 

A common problem for many doll lovers is the accidental crushing of the penis due to the strong thrusting action inside the doll's narrow vaginal canal. This issue greatly hindered the overall user experience, causing the experience to be inconvenient and end prematurely. Unlike human sexual activity, where the soft structure of the vagina provides minimal resistance, sex dolls often lack this critical element, resulting in a less satisfying experience.

Procesul de dezvoltare a proiectului

After three rigorous months, the XTDOLL team of experts set out to solve the problem. Extensive research and testing have led to the development of innovative solutions that achieve the perfect balance between cost and performance.

Rezultatele proiectului

The final product exceeded all expectations and significantly improved the user experience. By adopting this innovative solution, users can now enjoy a longer, more comfortable experience without the disruption caused by latency. This development marks a major milestone for the adult entertainment industry and promises to redefine the way individuals interact with sex dolls.

Due to the soft structure of the female vagina, there is no strong direct resistance to the reverse thrust of the front end that stimulates sensitive parts of the body. This results in the game terminating early and not being able to enjoy it comfortably for long periods of time. The thrust can be regarded as 65N = 6.6kgf

contrastive analysis

Studio XT Sex DOLL has developed a zero-repulsion vagina that holds the penis securely in place. The XT Vagina is designed to provide the doll user with continuous comfort during sexual intercourse. It can be seen that the thrust pressure is approximately equal to 19.5N ≈ 2kgf.

Test results showed that the new design better simulated a real vagina. This enhanced XTdoll offers a more natural feel than a regular sex doll. We can say “Wow… that feels so good!”


Starting in October 2023, XTDOLLS is proud to announce that this revolutionary option will be included in their products. Customers now have the option to take their intimacy to a whole new level with this innovative feature.

contrastive analysis

At XT Sex Dolls,we are committed to pushing the boundaries of adult doll technology and prioritizing user satisfaction, comfort and enjoyment. We invite doll fans and those looking for a more intimate experience to explore the exciting new options that await them in our collection.

XTdoll is a leading supplier of high-quality adult dolls, known for its commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction. With a dedicated team of professionals and a passion for pushing the boundaries of technology, XTdoll continues to set the standard in the adult doll industry.

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