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Mai mult decât detalii faciale ale păpușii sexuale japoneze

The meaning of the inflatable dolls of sailors may be very simple and rude, saying that they are substitutes for women, rather than substitutes for their sexual organs. But in fact, there are men who make papusa sex for a specific woman. The Austro-Hungarian artist Oskar Kokoschaka asked the tailor to create a doll equivalent to Alama. It is said that the doll has thick hair and the touch of the skin is not very personal, but it is more reminiscent of plush toys.

After being abandoned by his lover, pianist and composer Alma Mahler in 1916, the Austro-Hungarian artist Oskar Kokoschaka wrote that he had lost the courage to be tortured again by love, (this sentence is also loved by sex dolls We believe it is a famous saying) But he still loves Alama, so he asked the tailor to create a doll like Alama. Oskar provided the tailor with a lot of details, not only the details of the Păpușă de sex japoneză's face, but even Including the touch of her skin.

Historians have different opinions about what happened after Oskar received the doll. The former thinks that the sent Păpușă sexuală TPE has thick hair, and the touch of the skin is not very personal, but it is more reminiscent of plush toys. The latter said that Oskar was extremely obsessed with the doll. He painted many portraits of the doll, and according to some reports, Oskar eventually burned her or buried her at a party.

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