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Sunt păpuși sexuale care arată ca modele de acum câțiva ani

Sex robots are seen as the following advancements in the sex doll industry. For representation, they are dolls that look like models from a few years ago, but can now react to various types of upgrades. The main problem distinguishing Păpușă de sex japoneză is that it is currently accompanied by artificial intelligence, which allows them to react to basic discussions, remember customer tendencies, and even reach climax!

Unul dintre cei mai faimoși roboți sexuali de pe planetă este o păpușă pe nume King. Ea a fost planificată de Matt McMullan printr-un experiment pe termen lung. McMullan trebuie să găsească întotdeauna constrângerile inovației și să-și îmbunătățească treptat planul, pe măsură ce inovarea produselor similare devine din ce în ce mai bună. Rezultatul este un cap automat super avansat care se poate conecta la corpul păpușii sexuale. Clienții pot alege între o varietate de „roluri” inteligente bazate pe computer, ceea ce face ca fiecare model să fie unic.

Different brands of internal heating systems may be slightly different, but they work in the same way. The doll has a wire that can be inserted into the Tpe papusa sexuala, and the other end is connected to a wall socket. This plug sometimes has a screen and buttons where you can preset the temperature you like. After the doll is plugged into the power source, the battery will heat the doll to the set temperature in about 20-30 minutes. Then you can unplug her and play comfortably with her. Depending on the temperature of the room, the warmth can last for 3-4 hours.

bikini păpuși sexuale

When heating the doll, it is more efficient to wrap the doll with a blanket. Please do not leave your doll plugged in for a long time, otherwise it may cause overheating and material damage. It is a good choice to provide continuous heat to the whole body of the păpușă sexuală drăguță. But when this function is broken, it cannot be repaired. For each of our dolls, we will provide a heating rod with a USB plug, you can insert it into the hole of the doll to heat it before use.

Why are TPE sex dolls popular? Overall, TPE sex dolls are clearly superior to other options on the market. Who doesn't want cheaper but higher quality products? However, there are many other benefits that allow men to choose TPE sex dolls. When thinking about sex, nothing seems to match real life—or so people think. According to a large number of happy users, TPE sex dolls are very close to the real thing. Gone are the days when adult dolls were cold and rigid-touching TPE dolls is a pleasant experience. From the inside out, enjoying TPE sex dolls is similar to real sex, or even better.

It is undeniable that women are not always at their best in terms of appearance. Even if they are, sometimes they don't match your ideal lover. The advantage of TPE sex dolls is that they can be customized at will. Dress up as you like, put on makeup as you like, and use them as you like. păpuși sexuale ieftine are the perfect companions for men with special tastes and fetishism.

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