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Sunteți responsabil pentru siguranța în timp ce utilizați păpușa sexuală reală

As a responsible consumer, you have a responsibility to stay safe while using real papusa sex. As the owner of such a doll, you need to ensure three things to get the best protection when using these great tools. This includes the quality of the doll of your choice, the materials used and the design. The doll world is heavily regulated, so finding a trusted source shouldn't be difficult for you.

Read the user reviews carefully and make sure to buy from reputable suppliers to ensure high quality. Solid dolls will smell the oil on the skin surface, which is normal and will leave a fascinating aroma and protect the skin from cracking. The method of using the physical doll is divided into three stages: before use, please refer to the following detailed instructions when using it. The solid doll must be cleaned before using it.

When using sturdy dolls, lubricants must be used to maintain adequate lubricity on the body parts of real sex dolls. If no lubricant is used, the inside of the doll is not sufficiently lubricated, which may cause the dedicated parts of the solid doll to crack after use. Male dolls can also wear condoms that are sufficiently lubricated. The study recalls that any relationship with this type of robot will always be one way.

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