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Cum să speli peruca unei păpuși sexuale?

The public's perception of dolls is moving in the direction of acceptance, and the idea of silicone partners is becoming mainstream. Men's self-satisfaction is no longer a taboo topic in our society. The many sex toys designed for men make the solo fun even stronger. The sex doll industry is no longer an inflatable playmate. At the same time, these dolls look real and are made of all materials and are therefore expensive.

Ai propriul tău Păpușă sexuală TPE? So how much do you know about how to care for sex dolls? We are here to show you how to brush a doll wig. Sexual dolls become too popular for their ability to assist in masturbation and enhance sexual pleasure. These sex toys can also help owners meet their companion needs and eliminate social unrest. In addition, if you are a person who is not good at dating or is not ready to do, buying a sex doll will help you prepare.

You need to brush your wig's wig regularly to avoid tangling and knotting. To make your love doll use a long flow lock instead of a matted hair, remove the wig and wet the hair with a drop of water. The entanglement is removed from the end of the hair and the brush is gradually raised each time the shot is struck. To prevent tearing, do not force the brush through, but use your fingers to separate them and then gently scrub. Some hair loss is expected during this process.

She is like a partner, you need to take care of her in the way of caring for others. First, take off the wig of the sex doll. This protects the skin of the doll from bruising and makes the whole process easier. You need to collect tools such as regular hairbrushes, wide-tooth combs, wig brushes and fiber oils. Next, grab your beautiful love doll and appreciate what she is. You may feel that you don't need to take care of her hair. However, ruining her hair or not taking care of them will reduce her happiness for you. The reduction will be gradual, you may ignore it, but after a while, she will lose its appeal.

So, her hair may look beautiful, but after having an amazing sex with you, their hair may be tangled together. Starting from the bottom of the length of the hair, use a wig brush to gently untie the knot section by section. The lower part of her hair is the worst knot, so don't be afraid. The wig brush you will use has a soft rubber or silicone core. Therefore, it will not cause any harm to her hair. Be very gentle.

When you decide to buy a doll, you can customize the doll to your liking. You can choose her size and size, hair length and color, eye color and overall appearance according to your requirements. Therefore, you will be with her and use her many times. However, over time, you will get tired of seeing your dolls have the same face, the same wig, the same eye color, the same clothes, and even the vagina. You will want to change her look, because people often say that change is the spice of life.

After cleaning the sexual doll wig, after waiting for the wig to dry, you need to gently comb the hair with a comb and slowly comb the hair from the bottom to the top. This will prevent you from pulling the comb out of any knot and removing the hair from your hair.

Remove the wig from the sex doll - this will make it easier to brush and protect the doll's skin from any damage the brush can cause. Wet the wig with water - just like a normal hairdresser, it is easier to brush your teeth if it is wet with water. This is helpful if you have a spray bottle, but it is not required. Brush the wig - Gently remove the tangles from the tip of the hair and gradually brush the brush onto the hair after each hit. Do not force the brush through the knot or tear. Use your fingers to open the knot and brush it over.

Wet the wig with water. It goes without saying that reducing wigs makes brushing easier. Gently brush the wig. First untie the knot by hand and do not force the brush through the hair. Gently brush your hair from the tip of your hair. At this time, slight hair loss is normal.

Note: The whole process is gentle, but some hair loss is expected and in most cases is unavoidable. Brushing your teeth is easy and ensures that your sex dolls maintain a beautiful long, thick hair that appeals to your first place. Brushing your wig's wig is important to keep it tangled and knotted. You want her to have a long flow lock instead of a matted hair. Brushing your teeth is very easy and can have a big impact. You need to brush your regular doll wigs regularly. In order to maintain the perfection of the doll.

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