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Cum pot curăța după ce folosesc o păpușă sexuală?

Ben Gray
Feb 5, 2019 18: 52

1. First you need to check the surface of the doll to see if there is dirt. If there is no dirt, please immerse the towel in warm water and then gently wipe the surface of the doll. If there is dirt, please use soapy water (soap, laundry detergent, shampoo, shower gel), but you need to be careful not to use too much force. You should be gentle on your doll.

2. Of course you can also bathe your sex dolls and give you a real doll bath in the bathroom. But you should pay attention to the extreme temperature, the temperature can not be too high, otherwise it will damage the doll's skin.

3 When your doll is bathed, you can use her baby powder to rub her body. This helps the doll to clean.

4. You can repeat the above steps: bathe again and powder. Then use a wet towel to wipe the powder and dirt from your body. When the body is dry, use powdered powder again and keep your body dry and clean.

Tab Conan
Jul 20, 2019 13: 59

The recommended method is to remove the papusa sex from the bath or shower and place it on the side that exposes the vagina and anus. Then follow the steps outlined below: 1. Grab one of the pretty swab sponges with medical pliers and apply a sponge with warm water and antibacterial soap to make sure it is completely applied. 2. Push the sponge into the vagina or anus and use pliers to move it around the orifice until it is thoroughly cleaned. 3. Remove the sponge, rinse with warm water, and repeat steps 1 and 2.

Tracy Max
Sep 23, 2019 19: 19

But there are some places to pay attention to. Realistic love dolls can be made according to the individual wishes of men. Almost all the features of the sex doll can be customized to fully control the appearance of the doll. Higher prices are often synonymous with better quality! TPE dolls are convincing with their excellent skin feel and unbeatable price/performance ratio.

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