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Cum să-l repare pe capul ei?

Tab Conan
Dec 17, 2019 14: 44

Inside the neck, the threaded rod is tightened around the neck. You may need to punch thick to make the stopping point correct and make the heads of the sex dolls point. Another idea came up, depending on how the threaded rod was fixed to her head. If the head also has a metal surface around the shaft (the head is fully embedded in the resin core), the O-rings around the shaft will also work. Consider the length of the doll's neck when tightening the head. If you tighten it tightly, it may shorten her neck and look strange. My 148 didn't have this problem, but the 140 I got recently didn't. Therefore, I fully screwed the bolt into my body until it was tightened. Then install the two faucet washers, tighten them a bit, and then tighten the head until you reach the desired position. The effect is very good, the friction of the rubber washer solves the problem of looseness and rotating head of the papusa sex. If it is loose, just tighten the washer a bit.

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