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Există o modalitate ușoară de a facilita mișcarea ochilor păpușii sexuale

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It's a time-consuming exercise in positioning the eyes of a sex doll. I think I know what you mean. They're eyeshadow applicators, like this. I don't know how many times I repositioned the doll's eyes in the November challenge photo shoot. When you get close enough to adjust the doll's eyes, you must have them focus on the camera lens rather than your eyes. This makes things difficult.

Achiziţionarea Menține silicon

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8.8 K


There's an easy way to make papusa sex eyes easier. If you can open the doll's eyes from the eyelid without damaging the eyelashes. Use a syringe to fill the sewing machine oil and put a few drops behind your eyeballs. Don't use cooking oil, or just invite the mouse or mouse to see your doll. You're afraid to ruin your eyelashes or makeup and inject it right next to your eyes. When you reach the back of your eyeball, you stop and push a little more oil. Rotate the eye so that the oil is evenly distributed in the eye socket. Your baby eyes can now move easily. Since silicone based lubricants don't work on your doll, I don't think silicone oil is for her either. I will avoid silicone on your doll. The long-term impact may be disappointing. I used a water-based lubricant in my eye socket to get good results. It dries out, but it adds more when it moves the eye again. The slightest pressure on your eyes with your fingers will create a gap at the edges. This will allow one or two drops of lubricant to flow to the back of the socket. The swab will then wash away any dullness or fingerprints on the surface of the doll's eyes.

2019-08-24 04:28:34

To hide it, a big hat is enough. Now, when my best friend came, she wore a pink hat and pink glasses. At first, he couldn't stand her presence. Today, it is obvious , She is beside her, at the end of the sofa, so that I can touch her, just like my girlfriend, a couple receiving friends, just need to be soft.

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