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Sunt găsite aici o păpușă de sex japoneză mai bună

8.8 K


You can buy a color sampler kit and some smooth silicone. A reasonable amount of surface repair for Japanese sex dolls. Fresh siloxane solidifies in a few minutes and cures overnight. But actually it is faster than I thought. Several methods of wrapping, pinning, and maintaining the glued area maintain zero motion during the curing process. Some of the siloxanes may be colored, but I don't know. As for the shining experiment. Spend your money and time on a more valuable project. You will throw it on the doll I think you are referring to. You can find better. Severely damaged sex dolls should be almost free or shipped only.

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Un singur răspuns:

8.8 K


Even so, she will never be perfect. There are better Păpușă de sex japoneză found here. If cornstarch or talc makes the skin color lighter than non-powder. Am I healthier? I am a bit because I have a sex doll made of silicone. I also have a head to the body, but the colors don't match what I want. The color of the face is light and the body color is more pink. Can cornstarch help or have little effect on body color? Try it is not permanent and can be turned off. You can find it in 2 minutes instead of waiting for information. I bet it will work, always illuminating my doll. It should be easy and fun to put on a dress on that sex doll. Eat starch instead of corn flour, don't let her become a corn dog.

2019-09-21 02:37:01

I said that I thought the silicone doll in the United States was the best in this series, but some people seemed to disapprove me and seemed to compete with the latter? Why not! I do n’t have anything to support or disagree with this brand, but as my grandmother said, yesterday was “cheap, expensive things that cost me”, and I still think about it the same way, you definitely do n’t want me, I want Note that this is equivalent to other silicone manufacturers.

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