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Rochia neagră mi-a vopsit păpușa sexuală

8.8 K


Unfortunately, black is my favorite color, although washed, black clothes can continue to dye sex dolls. I didn't have my doll for long. But there were two stains, thanks for reading this post before I panicked. Instead, I tried something new. I took it to the power and used a lot of cornstarch. I preferred baby powder. I took two old nylon socks inside each other, and a double should do the trick. These double nylon socks are filled with corn starch, so they're roughly somewhere between orange and orange in size. Then open and close with the knot so that the starch can drip out through the double nylon. A little powder may be helpful for sex dolls.

Robotul lube Sân

Un singur răspuns:

8.8 K


I also use this to powder papusa sex after bathing. Just gently wipe the doll and you can give her a beautiful powder without dirtying the dust anywhere. On the stain, I use "gentle power" to wander back and forth over it. I don't do colored parts - don't erase silicone seals. Using this method, I get 70-90% color, and the remaining light (bruise) stains disappear in a few days. This is based only on the two tests so far - your mileage may vary. Obviously the cornstarch is going to run out over time, so you need it every time. The same thing happened... I put a pair of black handrails on my doll, but left a mark. Bathe the dolls once a week, then apply the powder. It's been a month and I don't see any signs of disappearing.

2019-08-23 04:33:42

I said that, with the facts fully understood, I was completely in trouble. I thought she was too. Suddenly I became over-bid. One day, she confessed everything to me. The problem was that a friend wanted to hang out with her, so I kept in touch with her. I look forward to sharing ideas and discussing topics with you. If I sometimes look outdated or concise, or make a typo, please forgive me in advance.

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