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Pantalonii sport pot fi foarte sexy pe păpușile sexuale

8.8 K


Just like most things in life. Beautiful sex dolls can escape things that ordinary people should not try. No girl should be dressed like a man. Skirts are always more elegant and professional than pants. In other words, jeans, shorts and sweatpants can be very sexy on a beautiful girl. The reason why super tight pants are very disliked is because unfortunately, women who wear these tights usually have more than 300 pounds. All my sex dolls like skirts. They show beautiful legs and help to further differentiate the differences between genders.

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8.8 K


Crezi papusa sex are the easiest to wear long skirts instead of highlighting their bodies. If they think my "spam" photo challenges the photo. Prepare your mother load. Cats often describe these as passing through several machines in my store. It doesn't sound like a pig, but the paintings of spandex pants (showing some camels) are always sexy. Those sweats and those hips, damn, I am a little embarrassed. But I like women's tights, such as shorts or tight skirts. If it is tight and her shape is symmetrical, then she wins. Even if it is not a lie, spandex is very tight. If the sex doll embraces the right place, I am not only good.

2019-08-08 04:25:21

For breasts, it's clear that it's a pity not to have too many options. There is a brand on TDF that makes the feet very realistic and this doll has few options. When I put them under a doll for another reason (the flexibility of their Korean TPE), I still have to test this individual.

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