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De ce trebuie să-mi curăț păpușa sexuală?

All men need to be addicted to sexual activity from time to time - long periods of no sexual life can cause stress and tension in the body. Sex dolls can do more than just satisfy their physical desires. Thanks to the new manufacturing technology, it is possible to develop a doll that looks as realistic as possible.

Curat papusa sex are mainly for two reasons, one is hygiene and the other is the longevity of the doll. We recommend that you enter the daily work of cleaning the doll to make it the second nature.

Sex dolls and robots can usually have one to three holes. While it is easy to bathe most of the surface area of a doll's body, handling the orifice can be tricky. Because the orifices are in the tightest contact, they are very important for cleaning.

Regular cleaning will keep your sex dolls look as good as new ones. By thinking about how you plan to use sex dolls, you will be able to determine how many holes you want her to have. More expensive sex dolls tend to have three holes. Some people correctly say that art has no boundaries. Therefore, these sex dolls have inspired many artists, designers and photographers to try the craziest projects.

We recommend cleaning your doll every 2-4 weeks. This should be hygienic and ensure the perfect balance of your doll as long as possible. Many of our customers are very hygienic and choose to clean the doll after each use. Keep in mind that doing so may slow down the doll's skin, shorten its lifespan or cause the skin to tear, faster than you want.

In the use of lubricants, we recommend using water-based lubricants to have sex with your doll. But there are some people who don't like it. Just decide for yourself. It is also safe to use petrolatum or baby oil as a lubricant substitute. If you want to use a conventional lubricant, make sure it is water based rather than silicon based as it can damage the TPE material.

Do you want to know how to clean the holes in the doll. Each doll is equipped with a vaginal douche (or vaginal irrigator, drawing). After use, flush the holes with the pump we have provided for you. The cloth is then inserted into the holes to absorb the remaining moisture.

If you need to clean the outside, just wash the sex doll with water and soap. Wipe until dry, do not use a hair dryer, because if you heat the toy more than 40oC it can start to melt. Then apply some baby powder on her skin, which will absorb any moisture and improve the touch.

Deoarece TPE este un material poros, poate provoca pete pe pielea ei. Dacă folosiți haine închise la culoare, atunci este posibil să purtați haine mai deschise la culoare, mai ales când sunt noi. Pentru a preveni decolorarea hainelor, asigurați-vă că vă scoateți hainele atunci când nu sunt utilizate.

If you want to know more about doll cleaning, please read our other doll cleaning articles.

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