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Oamenii formează atașamente emoționale la TPE Sex Doll

5.7 K


I think most of us bring an emotional dimension to our sex dolls. You'll see a lot of it in the photo stories that they put in their galleries. It has long been known that people form emotional attachments to inanimate objects: houses, cars, boats and boats. One of the most striking of these attachments to the human form is the play the metamorphosis from Ovid (see Pygmalion is a sculptor who falls in love with his sculpted figures.) There are countless other works that make real people fall in love with inanimate human forms. Mostly sex doll robots.

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Un singur răspuns:

5.7 K


I think the relationship with Păpușă sexuală TPE may be completely different from that in real life. Although a man may love his wife or his girlfriend. I never thought of that. Good and good examples. But he may not express it to the world... It's a private thing... It almost goes without saying that... The care and attention given to peers is impressive... Clothes (women always like shopping, I guess)... Photos aren't as good as many soft-core, tasteful porn, but... It's more like boudoir photography. I think many people express their feelings through actions rather than words in order to transfer. Again, I have a million questions, and this board is helping answer many of them. I'm happy to be part of this community. Now really find me the right sex doll partner.

2019-08-22 08:16:11

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