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Latexul lichid va topi stratul exterior al păpușilor sexuale japoneze?

Alan Ted
Oct 14, 2019 15: 42

In fact, it is to simplify the operation. In addition to adding foam, I can also cut out a piece of foam (sticking backwards), cut out a leg bone (simple), and then reconnect the connector (just slide over the screw by tightening the bones of the Japanese doll) (plastic tube ) to stop the bones and movement, so that the legs will open naturally, rather than open when opened, compress the foam when closing the legs, now only need glue to see the liquid latex works well on the internal foam. But please check Whether it will not melt the outer skin. The only thing I have to observe is that the movements of the Păpușă de sex japoneză's legs are likely to be limited to ensure that if the legs are too far apart, the outer skin will not crack. As you know, The outer layer is quite delicate, and it will be interesting to see the photo of the skeleton.

She has a sexy, beautiful, stunning lady. She is everything you want in your partner. She may not be real, but she wants to feel real. She will shock you with incredibly lifelike sex. Imagine it's just like putting your sexy girl into your arms and feeling the weight of her satisfying your palm. You can touch her, touch her, and admire her curves.

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