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Va devora materialul existent al păpușilor sexuale

Tab Conan
Dec 14, 2019 12: 09

For this purpose, the cheapest form of TPE is the chamfer of the blade. I dissolved the TPE in xylene in the bottle and repaired it. well. It adds a layer of TPE in a saturated form, which is less saturated, and it will swallow the existing sex dolls material and combine them together. I also successfully used a battery soldering iron to melt the tpe into a wound. I considered melting a pretty amount of tpe into xylene and adding it in large quantities because the tears were not large at all. I tried looking for places where tpe pellets could be sold, but all of this I managed to find a company that sells by metric tons. It looks like so far only a pretty amount of mixing is needed. The harem is correct, xylene will work well in the repair of TPE, but be very careful because it is very strong and if used too much, it will immediately make the situation worse. Mixing TPE with xylene to make a cream or paste is also possible, but be careful again. Similarly, how to use it depends on the type of papusa sex damage you intend to repair. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. If you can post pictures, it will help get more accurate suggestions. As for the glue sold by the manufacturer, don't waste your money. Try xylene on an insert. Practice it before using it on ladies. You know what they say is perfect!

"I have a lot of fans, I am happy for the love I have, but I feel incomplete." Are you lucky to be able to complete this Japanese beauty? She belongs to you! At 4 feet 7 inches tall, Lulu is one of the most popular Japanese sex dolls. Thanks to her unique body shape, she can attract everyone's attention wherever she goes. Men and women, Lulu admits that when she receives sexual attention, nothing changes.

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