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Care este gama mișcării taliei păpușii mele?

Alan Ted
Aug 01, 2019 16: 11

Some uncircumcised men may not experience a lot of friction, because the foreskin slides up and down, but more is a circumcised man, a sex doll is a must. Since most of us are circumcised, you will be happy to let the doll become part of your masturbation skills.

Alan Ted
Apr 8, 2019 16: 16

When you understand the range of the waist of the sex dol. Can help to take care of and use your doll better. The waist of the doll can be bent horizontally to the left and right, and the angle is limited to 30 degrees. The angle at which the waist bends forward and backward (the waist bends and the chest protrudes outward) is limited to 40 degrees. When the body rotates left and right (waist twisted), the angle is limited to 40 degrees. When the waist is bent and rotated at the same time, the angles in all directions are superimposed and the limit is reduced by half. For example, if the waist is bent to the left while twisting the waist at the same time, the angular limit in all directions will be reduced to a maximum of 20 degrees. What you need to be aware of is that this range only applies to most dolls on the urdolls website. Not applicable to all sex dolls, please feel free to contact us if you don't understand anything.

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