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Păpușa sexuală japoneză devine din ce în ce mai ispititoare

Are you tired of your current partner, not tonight, dear, do I have an excuse for headaches or the same repetitive posture? If your fantasies are to take off your girl's underwear with your teeth, then we will show you everything you need to achieve your dreams.

The sex doll is a well-made adult sex toy with a high-profile look. It is made of TPE or silicone.

Japanese sex dolls are now getting more and more beautiful and beautiful, more and more tempting, and the details are getting better and better. There are pure angel faces and solid dolls with devil figure, and they have a fascinating look with confusing eyes. The sex dolls summed up the current types of physical dolls are roughly divided into: pure type, loli type, queen type, wild type, cute type, mature type and so on.

Sexual doll is a kind of adult sex masturbation device of life size and human body, which allows users to get pleasure in their sexual intercourse. In the past, the sexual dolls used inflatable design, so it is also called inflatable doll. From the beginning of the 21st century, sex dolls are getting closer and closer to real people, both in appearance and in texture.

Utilizarea Păpușă de sex japoneză is roughly divided into the following three steps: before use, when used, after use, please see the detailed explanation below. Before using a solid doll, the solid doll should be cleaned.

When using a solid doll, in order to maintain sufficient lubricity inside the physical part of the physical doll, a lubricant must be used. If the lubricant is not used, the internal body of the doll is not sufficiently lubricated, which may cause the private part of the physical doll to rupture after use. It is also possible if you wear a condom with sufficient lubrication.

After using the Japanese sex doll, the inside of the doll's private part needs to be cleaned with water, and the whole body of the doll is cleaned. After the physical doll has been completely sterilized, wash it with warm water, then dry the inside and surface of the doll with a towel, or dry it naturally, and then save it for the next use.

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