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Faceți finisajul de suprafață al păpușii sexuale japoneze puțin mai jos

8.8 K


Even another thing that is still great today is the ability to touch. I remember the first time I had to repair the shoes of a Japanese sex doll. Realize that my head is between her legs. I giggled like a boy. This is a very taboo thing for me. I am sailing around the female body like a submarine in the Peak Canyon. Still true. But at that moment, it was a different experience near these places, and I was never really allowed to go. Now, it's me intoxicated, when I think about it, it's the world's most awesome thing to have freedom, don't feel bad, or feel offended, so this is the emotional aspect of some things, don't overdo it Put in annoying things. But yes, sex life is very interesting. Even learning something on a sex doll.

Furnizor Vagin Transport

Un singur răspuns:

8.8 K


From the physical point of view, Păpușă de sex japoneză can fit perfectly in several pretty areas. However, the surface finish is slightly reduced due to friction, but it is not bad at all. It really can't be avoided between dressing her and moving her. But she did a good job of maintaining her talent. So far, her bones have broken 2 pieces and the elbows are stiff, but the ones I fixed are no problem and I can hardly see the wound. I really took the time to close the incision and spent some time making the edges as perfect as possible. As a side note. You will be amazed at the degree of adhesion of silicone. A thick glue is glued inside and then allowed to cure. Try it in stages so that the sex doll can heal every time.

2019-09-26 03:12:32

The king was silent because his queen unbuttoned Isobel's dress and peeled it off to reveal those perfect, plump breasts. When she turned Isobel towards him, he grunted-when his wife's eyes were full of eroticism, the erection began to twitch. He said, "She is not married yet." He watched her pull Isobel's hand back, and then tied them with a piece of silk. He could almost feel that the queen's pussy was hot-moving-when she pursued this woman, it was always the same.

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