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Am remediat problema capului slăbit al păpușii sexuale japoneze

Don Webb
Dec 5, 2019 17: 15

Is the neck of Japanese sex dolls normal? Whenever I shake my head, my doll will cr on the neck. The head will not be loose. If the head shakes, it will only be a stream. I fixed a loose head in front of the tape. Many members complained that their necks were squeaky, and I have read something about how I think they are oiled with baby oil. May provide some information. On the head or neck. The head is not loose because of the tape. If normal, the thumb will also make a sound. On Japanese sex dolls made by WM, it is normal to hit the neck. As Tamsin no longer creaks, it seems to disappear with age. To prevent the head from rotating freely, use a self-tapping washer on the screw. I posted information for this age. I will do it, it's a good idea. I don't think the new hinge neck will squeak. Please note that after sleeping for a week with Ms TPE and not my wife, it is really surprising that my wife did not creak. The squeal of the goose neck is normal. Some desk lamps have similar settings, they creak like crazy. If it is a TPE doll, you can put some baby oil in it to reduce the noise of Păpușă de sex japoneză. Moving your thumb makes a noise. It can only be removed from the tpe. But they are not bankrupt.

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