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Creați un comportament ca o păpușă sexuală japoneză

He also mentioned that sometimes men's wives were waiting for their husbands. Women know what happened behind the door, but they are neither serious nor cheating. Since then, although the owner has cancelled the lease of Japanese sex dolls, the dolls have not caught up with the huge recycling factory. Their website is still accepting reservations in an unlisted location "available at the time of booking," and frankly, I'm assured.

American tech companies create realistic robots that can talk, joke, and even recall encounters with their owners. As TPE sex doll maker Matt said in the documentary "Guys and Dolls" ("Love Me, Love My Dolls"), "Some people will benefit from these dolls, just as some people will benefit from insoles. No one has a problem with their feet, but some have a problem. No one has a problem with social interaction, but some have a problem. "

Still, the panic of the impact has not been repackaged. The sex robot is here, and the artificial sex life that supports AI is not long. But the doll maker doesn't want to stop. They want to create Păpușă de sex japoneză that behave like humans.

In the past few years, TPE sex dolls that were once thought to be thrown away like inflatable toys have made a huge leap in quality to improve the durability of their appearance. You don't have to worry about the insecurity that comes with this relationship.

Due to its flexibility, softness, and price advantages, this material has recently become very popular in the manufacture of sex toys. This material is very useful for making pretty details that are essential for 100 cm sex dolls. Some of these functions include nose, mouth and labia.

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