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Păpușile sexuale necesită truse speciale de curățare

Your sexual doll body should be thoroughly cleaned with a mild antibacterial soap every 30 days through a bath or shower, especially after using or touching body fluids. This can be done easily with a shower of warm water and light soap, but don't let her head or neck immerse under water. Rinse the face with a wet towel and a mild shampoo.

No matter what your description of the ideal human body is, sex dolls can suit your fantasy. You can even build a fully customized doll. In my Ultimate Buying Guide, I can get a deeper understanding of what to look for in sex dolls. Or they want to realize a fantasy that a "real" person can't achieve. You can enjoy sex by getting an adult doll to get the perfect mood. The ability to acquire a male or female sex doll is definitely a big attraction.

The final and most realistic papusa sex are made of silicone. The material is soft, does not cause any allergies, lasts, does not respond to anything, and feels amazing during sexual intercourse. Most custom dolls are made of silicone. These dolls usually have a heating mechanism that provides body temperature similar to the human body, making the experience more realistic.

Cleaning and washing of sex dolls is mandatory or mandatory for those who like or like them. Moist and ugly deep holes (removable body parts) can breed bacteria that spread bacteria into the partner's body, eventually putting him in danger. Sexual dolls come with a mouth. They also have silicone tongues and teeth that don't hurt, but offer great fun. Just pull the chin and you can expand your mouth.

It is very important to take care of your sex dolls. If you have a sexual relationship with a doll, be sure to clean it after each sexual intercourse. If you are just using it for a hug, please clean it every 2-3 days to make sure it lasts for a long time. The vaginal and anal holes provide an amazing variety of colors, textures, textures and other features.

If you want something interesting, you can also get a custom vagina. Some customers like to pierce the vagina and give the doll some distorted feeling. Most manufacturers send cleaning kits with dolls. If the seller has already sent you one, make sure to use only the kit as they make special cleaning kits for their dolls based on materials and other aspects.

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