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He claims that AI can understand the user's emotions, preferences and behavior patterns and respond accordingly to create intimate illusions. "For a person, this is a very high requirement, and many people find it difficult to find a person to check all these boxes.

Although there are no exact numbers of people in China who own these Japanese sex dolls, the Yu estimate of online followers has been established in the silicone doll owner community, which is at least six digits. When customers receive their Harmony Robot, they can download the AI personality directly to the robot to make it look more like life.

The chairman of the Sexual Doll Robot Foundation said that innocent trios are just one of the potential uses of sexual robots. Harmony Head can be connected to a real sex robot, but the price of the entire device will exceed £7,000. A TPE sex doll manufacturer claims that the appearance of celebrities in a single industry is not as popular as you might think.

The mechanical head is supported by a smartphone application with artificial intelligence software. The AI allows the TPE sex doll to have a real conversation with the user, moving the lips and blinking. Building blocks can be very exciting, but the rise of the Păpușă de sex japoneză has caused some people to worry. Psychologists warned in July that sex robots could lead to increased sexual addiction.

Some models of dolls offer internal heating, self-lubricating genitals, and even touch sensors. Some dolls can take you back to £15,000, and even there are brothels, and players can try to cross European and American dolls.

Stanley insisted that the hosts tonight, Holly Willoughby and Philip Scofield, said: "I am providing comfort." In the new Japanese sex doll custom service, a replica of a sex doll that lost loved ones was sold and Famous porn star.

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