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Modalități de a păstra păpușa sexuală în condiții optime

Every day, more and more men and women around the world are taking the first step towards owning sex dolls. Paying close attention to the proper use of adult dolls may be a more practical solution to end all of these problems.

Many people think that the only available sex doll types are those ugly inflatable toys that have a terrible face and a few holes. This is very wrong. Properly taking care of your sex dolls will extend their life for many years, keeping her fresh, clean and sexy.

The process of cleaning a papusa sex is not that difficult. The process is very similar to cleaning yourself. You can choose to shower your doll or drown your doll in the bathtub. If you want to put your doll in the shower, it is important that you don't let your neck or head get too wet (this helps to avoid further complications on the road, such as rusting the neck screws).

Odată ce este curată, poți folosi pudră de talc pentru a-i oferi pudră pentru a păstra moliciunea siliconului, la fel ca în prima zi. Clătiți camera cu apă caldă și săpun antibacterian la scurt timp după ce folosiți păpușa sexuală cât mai mult posibil. Fața păpușii poate fi îndepărtată pentru curățare. Îl poți curăța sub apa fierbinte, dar evită să udați genele.

If the sex doll has a big dirt place. Consider taking the sex doll to the bathroom for cleaning. But the water temperature has received attention. Just like human skin can withstand. Temperature dolls are acceptable. Sex dolls are made of TPE and are temperature sensitive. Remember not to “sterilize” TPE from water that is too hot. TPE materials may be deformed by high temperatures.

Simply wash the doll thoroughly with an antibacterial soap using a lightweight sponge, making sure not to apply too much pressure to protect the skin. A light wig cap is recommended. You can wipe off the cosmetics with a warm water wet towel. You can dry your face with a tissue or a dry cloth. Wigs should be washed separately with a mild shampoo and allowed to air dry. If you use a hair dryer, you may damage your hair.

Cât de des ar trebui să curățați păpușa de silicon? Din motive de igienă, se recomandă curățarea imediată a părților intime ale păpușii din silicon/TPE. Pentru curățarea generală, vă recomandăm să păstrați păpușa de silicon proaspătă cel puțin o dată pe lună cel puțin o dată pe lună. Păpușa ta te va răsplăti, așa că nu ignora aceste mici sfaturi practice.

Silicone dolls are cleaned in the same way as TPE. They should be waterproof, but some precautions should be taken to avoid damaging her. First, you must avoid rubbing the body or face with a rough surface (such as a scraping sponge): this can damage the silicone/TPE and soft and smooth appearance of your love doll skin. Another precaution is to avoid placing your head directly under water. Water can penetrate the fixation between the head and the body and you lose your sense.

You should always clean your dolls, especially after using or touching body fluids. This can be done easily with warm water and a light soap shower. Note: I recommend separating the doll's head from the shower and cleaning it separately. This can be done with a wet towel and a mild shampoo.

After washing, dry your doll thoroughly with a clean towel to remove excess water. Do not use a hair dryer because if the heat is too concentrated, it can sometimes damage the skin. It is recommended that you apply baby powder to the baby's skin after drying. This will help remove any residual moisture and keep her skin soft.

It is recommended to moisturize the entire doll with mineral oil to keep the doll factory new. Similar to washing your doll, you can apply baby oil to the first half of the body, then wait for about 2 hours to absorb, then turn the doll over and repeat. Always remove the baby's talcum powder before applying oil to your body.

Vaselina poate fi folosită în zone cu presiune ridicată, cum ar fi axile, glezne și vagin, dar trebuie să fie aproximativ. Se absoarbe timp de 12 ore. Vaselina și crema Nivea au un conținut mai mare de ulei mineral decât uleiul pentru bebeluși. Pentru a hidrata întregul corp, uleiul pentru copii este alegerea potrivită.

General cleaning: If the sex doll is contaminated by dirt or dust. Try wiping with a wet towel and shower gel. If you can't use the shower gel to clean the dirt. Try removing it with a cleansing oil. If you can't remove the cleansing oil. When the stain becomes dirty, it can be dyed.

Taking care of your doll correctly is an extremely important part of the ownership of a sex doll. By keeping your girl clean and intact, you will keep yourself and your doll healthy and you will extend her life for many years! These are the guidelines we keep your sex dolls at their best.

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