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Vreau să știu cea mai potrivită păpușă sexuală frumoasă

8.8 K


Hello everyone, I am new and a newcomer to this. I want to know what is the best sex doll for breastfeeding. My boy toy is OK, but it's not good (not big enough or not soft enough). I think the new body should do just that. The sex doll's chest is also relatively large and very soft. Soft Degrees may also be a good choice, just not sure about their spacing between the breasts. It may work well, but the chest is a bit tough. I don't know anything about Japanese or Russian dolls. Although I guess most Japanese dolls are not necessary. Breast volume. Just a guess.

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Un singur răspuns:

8.8 K


It is a good thing to go home with a păpușă sexuală drăguță to relax. She will see the light and blow you a kiss. It is a good thing that she does not drink with your friends. Did not tell her what she might have done. And the other cheek. Can't lie, I and V are a little embarrassed in the beautiful places that some people have. This is the beauty of going home. Lemonade or tea on the table and purple sky after the setting sun. This is a wonderful shot. It seems a bit of a handful, and the feeling I get is that she lets you know her boss. A great decision to stay on the way for a few days. She was wrapped in stockings and I deliberately avoided her gaze. But after a rough inspection. Sex dolls are left in sleeping bags and filled with pretending things that are not of interest.

2019-09-26 02:15:34

This is a complete "Best Sex Doll Buyer's Guide" that will tell you everything you need to know about which doll is best for you. We have considered the size, shape, price, and brand to determine a sex doll that can meet the needs of novices.

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