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Am niște păpuși sexuale japoneze care te pot ajuta

6.7 K


If you ask if the sex doll after wearing the tape needs cleaning. You use the doll as a female participant and you are a "male" character. I may not understand the problem correctly. If not, I am sorry to waste your time. Yes, you need to clean the doll after use. At least rinse it to remove the lubricating film remaining in the doll's body. You will need to make sure she has a lot of quality lubricants. However, this is easy to do. Hope this helps. Despite some reservations, I believe that you can make some mutually beneficial and satisfying things. Like I said: Oh, I like this photo! As a bisexual, homeopathic woman, I hope to get my own Japanese sex doll. I have been trying to decide if I should carry the accessory with me. Or just use the belt with future sex doll companions.

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Un singur răspuns:

6.7 K


Ok, I think I have some papusa sex suggestions that can help you. The tongue of a real doll, and almost all high-end dolls. It can extend from about an inch to an inch and a half. It has a very realistic feeling with the mouth. With proper positioning and a little help, your cuteness should satisfy you and get a verbal pleasure. The built-in clitoris on the Internet is soft, but the ups and downs are small, although some are flattering, but not too detailed. However, if the lubricant has the right flavor, you can get involved. She is built in, so I don't have experience with sex doll plugins. But I suspect that higher levels of detail and more prominent embossing will give you more work space.

2019-09-30 04:05:28

She breathed slowly, letting her body relax, feeling the tension that the feathers brought back to her back slowly released. Todd exhaled, and the hot air hit the tip of a nipple and quickly cooled. Like a feather, it tried to penetrate into the folds, and Vicky twisted away from the folds. "Don't you like it?" Todd asked. Vicky could hear the teasing and challenge in the voice. "It's too intense," Vikki said. She likes this feeling, but she doesn't want to say that. She worried about what would happen next.

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