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Pot trimite niște poze frumoase cu păpuși sexuale de acolo



With March going to France, maybe I can send some sex doll pictures or stories from there. I believe that I will have a very interesting time. I think this is a reminder to invite any member in the south of France to take photos with the most enthusiastic dolls they want to be considered celebrities. The place she decides she wants the photo depends on the weather, but she has ordered the ordering of the clothes she might need. She is a very interesting character and the photos will be posted here in three weeks. And hope they can bring fun and entertainment. Do we have members in France? I have posted this invitation on the website. I can't wait to see a photo of a pretty sex doll and hear any crazy stories.

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My wife is most worried about the crazy story of my trip to France. This is one of the reasons why an irresistible păpușă sexuală drăguță appears. She will keep me busy and protect it from all the on-site competition. It is this beauty (excuses) that can take pictures depending on the weather. If the weather is good, if the weather is fine, I have booked a car so that we can go to the beach. But there is an amazing place, it needs to carry her about 1/2 mile - so I have to buy a wheelbarrow. And a good thick duvet must be found for filling. To ensure that the sex doll is not hurt.

2019-09-24 05:04:34

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