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Forma papusa sex's legs is very good. Maybe it's best not to leave scars on them. What should I do now? This is not my sex doll. I have been thinking about cutting. Hello everyone. I am thinking about buying this torso. But I don't know if such damage (see the line below the chest and the chest itself) can be repaired. If so, what kind of money are we talking about? I am very grateful for your comments. I will try my best to help, but I am more hindered than help. Because I have never done this before. I believe that someone will help you soon. At the same time, you can browse some fix posts. And check out some of the fix photos in the sex doll album.

2019-09-21 03:27:25

Now 58 years old, disappointed with the original work, he decides to establish a permanent relationship with a dream doll. I hope you find materials that give you a rough idea of the type of doll you are considering. But also know how to take advantage of a friendly place, where you can also reduce your mood by specifically talking about your past relationship with weaker sex. Your profile is common to many members.I opened my mouth and started sliding my tongue over him, licking his sticky chest with a delicious tone. He became nervous and began to gasp. When I tilted my head and licked from the bottom of his cock to the head, I gently stroked his ball with my other hand. Now, his other hand stretched out to stroke my hair, his grip was weak, but it was obvious that he wanted my position. Before I figured it out, I opened my mouth and hugged him until he completely filled me, down to the base of my throat.

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