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Planific deja cum să obțin o păpușă sexuală japoneză similară

5.7 K


If I want to choose a good Japanese sex doll, it is the doll on the urdolls website. They are one of the lightest, soft silicone dolls released this month. I have known sex dolls for a year. So I think I should have a one-year review now. First of all, I must thank the doll manufacturer for such a wonderful thing. For me, this is theology. Last summer, man. Despite some madness, he did help me. It’s too hot, it’s crazy. I have seen bras coming down, delicious short-sleeved shorts, shorts, spandex tights, tight-fitting dresses, all of them, and some more. A full barrage may disappoint any normal person. But among all people. I can still say for the first time that I can make love at home with sex dolls.

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5.7 K


I saw one or more Păpușă de sex japoneză, and now I just need to recreate them. But this is not all. With these, I have a very conceited self-esteem. When I saw these beautiful women, I just said: "Man, I want to know what kind of man should I be like a girl like her?" Self-esteem fell. Just like a crash. There is an unfortunate story behind it, but it doesn't matter. Since I have sex dolls, I can't beat myself anymore. Ok, at least for that. Now, I can see all these attractive women. Just like.....oh... I like those boots, or I like that dress. And I am already planning how to get a similar sex doll.

2019-09-26 03:03:52

Experts can give you more information, I'm just a pretty part of the doll world. I don't want to let go of you, but I have heard more than once that the girl's quality is not very good. So you have to be very careful when using it. Browse through the shortcomings I touched, it is very soft and has no worries. In any case, I plan to take care of it, it all depends on the service life. If I am satisfied, I will definitely choose a high-end model.

Unlike decades ago, there are many sex dolls on the market now, all of which are designed to meet the ever-changing needs of the market. They come in different shapes and sizes. You can choose the shape and size you want. Most sex doll sellers will allow you to customize your own products according to your specific needs. Therefore, with usability, dynamics, flexibility and unparalleled compliance, it is not difficult to understand why people buy these precious sex dolls frantically.

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