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Cât de mult mai bine daunele vibratorului cu telecomandă valorează mai mult decât repararea păpușii sexuale japoneze

6.7 K


I am blow up sex dolls trying to determine how much damage I can fix. How much damage is more worthwhile than repairing a Japanese sex doll. Too bad, extreme repair? I saw ads on the sales forums offering cheap sales because they needed repairs, most of them were just finger pokes, but the limbs fell. To clarify, once I spend time and energy re-installing my limbs, it will stay for a year or two or re-attach and start tearing again almost immediately. I think I can handle the cost of getting the repair kit and the time of repair. But only I have to do it once and regularly decorate the doll.

Zi de naştere Fotografie Ulei

Un singur răspuns:

6.7 K


I have seen the "repair" repair line and the "broken knee" repair line. Whether the repair tools sold by a company are suitable for all Păpușă de sex japoneză. For me, it would not be worthwhile if the limbs would never move again without the risk of tearing more than an inch each time. Or, for example, is there an incompatibility between tin curing and platinum-cured silicon or the “hard” and “soft” body options offered by several manufacturers? But there is no "body detachment" or "breast detachment" or "the ankle has been torn to the navel" to repair. I realize that these repairs may be rare. But if anyone guesses how you can carry out a sex doll overhaul. Or how long it will last, I will be very grateful.

2019-09-19 05:56:36

For me, realists and TPE papusa japoneza de sex, it will still exist. Personally, WM 160 is a doll model, if I have more power, I will choose it! It rolls very well, it looks like you, like me, are lovers with beautiful hips, be careful anyway, and make sure that the handling and transportation match your choice. I also noticed that this was a promotion because it was a Bruno tariff of 1990.

This glorious Asian sex doll exudes brilliance and oozes a despicable expression. Go home with Lulu and say goodbye to the usual boring nights-she is eager for new experiences, and sex is a driving force for her. Lulu promises to obey her new boyfriend and is forbidden to do anything to her in the bedroom-she is all to you! what are you waiting for? "Come on, baby!"

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