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Cum sunt fixate firele în picioarele păpușii sexuale?

Tab Conan
Dec 17, 2019 11: 26

I was posing. When I moved the sex dolls, I bent my feet backwards and suddenly became loose. Broken, I looked at what the joint was. I can feel the joints, it feels like a solid line / board, separated from the legs. Although it is easier to enter from the side, I don't want to leave a scar on her ankle, so I decided to start the operation from the sole of the foot, because most of the time it will be covered by socks, tight shoes, etc. I cut in, and soon exposed the metal frame wrapped in the tape. After cutting in, I found the steel legs and two wires (broken). They broke at an angle of 90 degrees to the steel legs, and they seemed unable to withstand much movement as the wires became fatigued and broken. I took a look at how the wire was fixed in the papusa sex's legs. It seemed to be some kind of filler at the end of the opening leg. Imagine a pipe, then pushed the wire into the end of the opening and fixed it with the filler.

Anunț despre păpuși sexuale reale

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