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Ai vreun regret să cumperi o păpușă sexuală drăguță?



In order to meet my test of time, this article applies to any sex doll brand. The question is what mistakes you made in the doll ownership or doll world. Any mistakes you make will hurt your doll. Do you have any regrets to buy a doll? In order to get a pretty sex doll, I almost mistakenly bought a bunch of bras and panties, but it was not good to read the dolls in the bra. It is also possible for the underpants to wipe off the pubic hair that I want on the doll. What I have learned is that there is really no need to get a bunch of bras and panties. I also told me that when I got my doll, she would get a sponge bath instead of a shower. Also know what type of clothes to wear. This will not be uncomfortable with putting clothes on a sex doll.

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Some things I can suggest, wash your dark clothes before putting on your păpușă sexuală drăguță. They will leave stains on your doll that look like bruises. Stains can dissipate over time, but it can be very painful. When moving your doll, plan your movements in advance. Where is her hands and feet during the move? They will hit anything that might cause damage. Wait. As for the clothes, it may be tricky or impossible to get the arm of your doll.

2019-09-09 04:03:44

This is one of the risks and disadvantages that make it difficult to get good grip. Better go to the showroom and ask for your opinion. Yes, of course, based on my personality, I would think about the showroom I want to visit, but it's clear that before you try, you really need to realize that this is a real advantage. Then, I was given the impression that TPE is harder than on wmdolls.

When her shudders stopped, Richard continued. He wanted to see that again. He wanted to hear that sound again. He wanted to be brutal, to hear her scream and know that it was for all the pleasure he brought her.A dark and sensuous laugh from Nina told him she wanted it too. Brutal dildos were now a thing, not just a figment of their imagination.Here's my TRUE (mostly) story of a wickedly scrumptious happy ending massage, bought and paid for by my latest love interest. Yeah, she's pretty damn awesome Și To keep her anonymous, I'll refer to her as K.Matei 22:21 White Lily Spa, Tisbury Court, Soho

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