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Orice modalitate de a schimba capul unei păpuși sexuale

5.7 K


Hello, everyone. I'm new to sex dolls, not very experienced. I just bought a sex doll from this board, and before me, I was like a lot of people. I don't care about the style 1 head it brings. After a long, hard look, I realized that it was the jaw line that made "her" so... Not appropriate. There may be something about makeup. So I wondered if there was any way to change the head, to polish some square jaws and soften the lines of the face. Can the silicone doll be polished or die once it's formed? Thanks a lot for anyone's advice.

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Un singur răspuns:

5.7 K


My doll is not polished, if you really want to make your papusa sex look bad. As well as damaging her, sand, but I wouldn't recommend it. The silicone on these dolls is not suitable for polishing. You'd better order a different head and try to modify the one you are not satisfied with. Maybe you can sell the head in the sales department, which will give you a little new head cash. Hair can hide the jaw line. As long as I don't look directly at it - face to face, even if the jaw line is exposed, I find faces very attractive. When the doll is placed on the face and faces to the side, she looks very good. I do try to enjoy mine. The viewing Angle is quite different, and to be honest, I'm sure you've tried. Sex dolls look attractive if you hold the face and compress the chin line.

2019-08-24 04:02:46

But I don't do it like the bathroom, talcum powder ... the basic maintenance is the life of the doll, but the sore is to show me my mistake, which interrupts my travel. I have the impression that there is a super fragile doll, but I can rest assured that I am not the only one with a sore doll. Not very inspired by my doll, I don't use it anymore, I should be able to sell it, but I may wish it would come back!

Suddenly, without warning, Anthony released her hand. But only then can he turn around and put her cuffs on again. Her ass is still tingling from spanking and log spanking. She is lying on the bed, completely naked, somehow more exposed than before. But the part of her strong is very excited, and she wants him to keep going. Anthony gently and firmly pushed her away. He hasn't finished it yet. He turned around again and lifted her hips so that her hips stick out. She obediently placed herself on her forearms, her face hidden in her arms, and brown curly hair scattered on the bed around her.

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